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Re: Club PCX banned me. How about you?

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 1:10 am
by Fiah
corsport wrote:
maddiedog wrote:They banned EddieC too though, and he didn't do anything at all.
You had him come over to our forum, edit all the how to's and remove the text to them, and link them to your site to get them...
And you think that by banning him, you're actually helping ClubPCX? All that did is make you look like some angry forum administrator who is all to happy to push that ban button, one that should be reserved for extremely disruptive posters that really have no business on that forum at all.

Re: Club PCX banned me. How about you?

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 1:17 am
by EddieC

Last I checked, I'm allowed to be a member of as many forums as I want. I have also seen people post links to outside sources. Yes, I did re-direct my how to threads to daves site, but that was only in an attempt to give BOTH sites traffic. I figured if people like clubpcx, they would like it here.

I would have appreciated someone at least sending me a message telling my why I was banned. If you didn't like something I did, you should have manned up and told me before acting like a child and just deleting me. I was not aware that I was breaking any of your forums rules. If you would have communicated with me about your issues, I would have worked with you until we came to an agreement. I feel that I contributed to your forum, and I even was wanting to buy a jcoasta variator from you. I never had any true problem with you guys until you banned me for. being a member of another PCX forum, so I guess ill take my business elsewhere. I will do my best to spread the word about shitty corsport and their horrible people hiding behind the company name. I will turn as many people away from you as I can.

And because I know you need this spelled out for you... "shitty" and "horrible" is my personal opinion about you, and I'm entitled to it, so don't even try threatening to sue me.

Thanks, and oh ya... eat a dick


Club PCX banned me. How about you?

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 4:12 am
by Woolley
Let me get this straight corsport, if I copy and paste some of my posts from there to here, I'll get banned?
Think I know which forum I prefer :lol:

Re: Club PCX banned me. How about you?

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 11:10 am
by corsport
^no not at all. NOT even. Where did you get that from?

They (eddie and maddie) took their posts and changed them from being DIY's to having no content at all, just a simple a link to

For example: they changed the first post of their DIY's to say "Post moved to" and the rest of the first post is gone, totally blank.

^that does no good for anyone at clubpcx. They can pretend like that wasn't a big deal, but it was.

I have not banned anyone that wasn't acting like a retard. The rest of the forum knows this. You can also clearly see by some of the user posts here that people didn't seem to care to much about maddie and me not getting along, but apparently Maddie is capable of getting 10-20 people to care and a 1 of them to come over to club pcx and act a fool (eddie, hence his banning).

If you notice, two posts up (and elsewhere) the swear words and drama being thrown around aren't from me. I think once I told GN2 to stfu and I still think that was a valid request.

I will never back down on my stance. Maddie and Eddie can throw their shit at me for as long as they feel like sticking their hands in their own shit.

Also, I will put this out there, If either of you two man up and apologize to us for acting like pissed of teenagers, I'll remove the ban(s).

Re: Club PCX banned me. How about you?

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 3:04 pm
by maddiedog
How did we act like pissed off teenagers? I'm not sure I follow your logic here. I haven't once cussed at you. I haven't given you any reason to post so defensively in this thread. All I have done is invited you and all the forum over here, as an alternative to ClubPCX. This is after you have censored me by selectively deleting my posts post-ban, and edited or deleted your own posts after others have replied. And, I still welcome you to be active here for your own business' good despite the post in which you threatened to sue me.

I would have been banned regardless of whether or not I moved my how-to's. If you recall the reason you put on my ban, it was a direct quote of me calling you out for censorship and deceit posted to this forum. I removed the content of my how-tos because I knew I would probably be banned for creating a forum that could be considered competition to your forum. My actions now act as a convenient justification for your banning me, and allow you to act the victim.

You cite the good of ClubPCX in your post -- do you really think banning your most active member was really helpful to the forum? Do you think banning Eddie, who posted two vital how-tos was for the good of the community? I wouldn't have pushed for this forum to succeed nearly as hard as I had, had you not banned me and Eddie.

I have nothing to apologize for. I have spoken the truth, been kind to you despite you spitting in my face, and continue to speak kindly to you. I contributed greatly to the success of your forum, and in response, immediately banned me when your authority was questioned.

Re: Club PCX banned me. How about you?

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 4:19 pm
by EddieC
I moved my How-To's on my own accord. Dave did not tell me or influence me to make that decision, I made it on my own. Seeing that the how to's were MY content, I decided for MYSELF that I would rather only have it being hosted in one location. I chose daves site because it was new, and I figured it would get him more traffic. Also, I haven't once posted to your site since you banned me. And I think its hilarious that you want US to apologize to YOU, when Dave has done nothing but welcome you here. You can keep your site to yourself.

Also, I feel that someone should remind you... YOU are the one representing a BUSINESS. Picking fights with people (even if you're in the right) while representing a business doesn't look good for you, or corsport. Please keep talking, and digging your own hole deeper and deeper... I'm enjoying watching more people join THIS site as a result.

Also read my post from last night, guess I was fuming... sorry if I offended anyone but I stand by what I said.

Dave - Thanks for the new site. I'm done with this clown.

Club PCX banned me. How about you?

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 4:52 pm
by Alibally
My personal opinion is that this tread should should be locked and moved to the D and B section. I think we all need to draw a line under it and enjoy either forum that suits you, or both. This is getting us nowhere and regardless of who is blaming who, life's too short. There are enough soap operas on the telly.

Re: Club PCX banned me. How about you?

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 4:58 pm
by EddieC
Good point. I've said what I need to say. Sorry for contributing to the drama everyone =) but I felt the need to defend myself. I think they're too stubborn for this to get anywhere and now I have absolutelly no desire to be a member of their site.

Re: Club PCX banned me. How about you?

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 5:07 pm
by skuuter
Hmmm.....never understood Anyone gettin' Banned from One Forum because of joinin' another....seen it happen though, several times on Motorcycle and Scooter Forums I've belonged to. I'm no longer a Moderator or Member on one because of Their Policies. I refused to Ban Members for it......!!!!!

Club PCX banned me. How about you?

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 5:11 pm
by Alibally
There's nothing wrong with defending yourself. My own thoughts are that clubpcx , although generally very good suffers by not being impartial. Some posts were proper howlers. By opening up your business to the public, via a forum then unfortunatly not everybody will agree with you. It's a fact of life. Get over it. That's my final word on it.

Re: Club PCX banned me. How about you?

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 5:58 pm
by maddiedog
Now that Eddie has provided his opinion and apology for his earlier outburst, I don't think this thread could end on a better note.
Alibally wrote:unfortunatly not everybody will agree with you. It's a fact of life. Get over it. That's my final word on it.
This sums up my opinion completely. I agree, so I'm going to go ahead and lock this thread and move it to drama. Any further posts on Corsport drama or forum vs forum drama will be locked and the posting user warned for their continuation of this. No one should get butthurt over any of this, it's just a website.

Everyone here has the right to post here, ClubPCX, or anywhere else with no repercussions. :)