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Re: Fly brand jackets?

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 3:39 pm
by speedandstyle
Ok I have had a day or two to ride with the new jacket. So far I like it! It vents air like you wouldn't believe, it is going to be great in June, July and August. Early in the morning and at night and I got cold, that is how much air flows through this jacket. I did find a few very minor issues but I can live with them.

I wish they had cut the bottom of the front just a tad longer, even just half an inch. It is fine when riding but if I walk any distance with the jacket on it rides up on my stomach. Of coarse part of this problem is caused by my overweight belly so maybe I just need to loose some weight!

The other thing that bothers me a little is the collar. It rubs my neck a bit especially when I turn my head. This is caused by the way they made it. They put nice soft cloth on the inside but the mesh part goes over the top. Thus the mesh material rubs against my skin. I did find however if I don't zip it 100% that it eliminates this rubbing issue. Again I have extra flesh on my neck from being overweight and probably just need to exercise more.

On a related note I also got some new gloves, Olympia Airflow 150s to be exact. I really like these gloves! They only cost $25 but the quality is top notch and so are the materials. They fit my hands well and flow plenty of air for summer use. I recommend these gloves.