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Re: Yuminashi PCX 150 Speed Combo, anyone try it?

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 3:36 pm
by Mel46
Anyone can sue anyone. That doesn't say anything about the product itself. Heck, there have been cases in our local newspapers where a burglar was sueing the homeowner because he was injured while trying to get away.
I would have to step back if there were a lot of reports of problems with Yuminashi, but I am pretty sure there have been some good results with some of our own forum members. Let their results speak for themselves. If members have had problems, please speak up so that the rest of us will have a true indication of how well the kits work.
As for Yuminashi not responding, I can't say yay or nay about that, but chances are good that there are not a lot of English speaking personnel at their facility. Therefore if that person goes on vacation or quits, the company is stuck until they can find someone else to translate. There are also other possibilities that we haven't considered, but I am just saying to give them some slack until such time as when you hear of their demise or other such thing.

Re: Yuminashi PCX 150 Speed Combo, anyone try it?

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 5:25 pm
by Valiant
While I generally try to give people the benefit of the doubt, it's merely a question of competence.

If Reggie is testing stuff AND he's the only one who can respond to e-mails/orders, then perhaps he has little business running a direct sales site AND advertising new products if he can't handle his current backlog. Because if he comes on here to advertise his new water pressure valve thingamajig, you'd think he already took care of everything currently on his plate and could actually respond to e-mails. Same if you see new products being added to the direct sales site. Why put new stuff up for sale but don't respond to any messages?

It would be like if Apple didn't respond to anything for two months, then puts out the iPhone 6, advertisements and all, and they STILL don't respond to anything for weeks afterwards. If that actually happened, people would look at a Samsung Galaxy instead.

Customer service is important, as entitled as that may sound. I've had things custom-made for me before, and while some things may have taken longer than expected because of personal issues(on the other side), I've never been flat-out ignored before.

Re: Yuminashi PCX 150 Speed Combo, anyone try it?

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 6:04 pm
by JohnL
Maybe Yuminashi should take a look at this business

I bought a clock from these guys before picking up my 2015 PCX, not realising it had a built in one. Their service was amazing, even though there was a delay in delivery due to lack ot stock.

Most importantly, their follow-up was impeccable, keeping me informed right up until shipping. I received a hand written note with the clock, thanking me for the purchase, then a follow-up email from Linda & Ross, the owners of the business.

The clock is great I fitted it to the cross bar. Yes, I'm a bit of a clock weirdo, as well as other things. :D :D

I have no commercial interest in clocks4bikes, just appreciate good people who know how to run a business well.

Re: Yuminashi PCX 150 Speed Combo, anyone try it?

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 7:00 pm
by Mel46
I definitely agree. I am just saying that we are not aware of everything that is going on, so let the product speak for itself, and have a little bit of patience. It may turn out tht things are as bad as imagined, or it may only be a temporary glitch. Time will tell.

Re: Yuminashi PCX 150 Speed Combo, anyone try it?

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 7:21 pm
by Mel46
Yuminashi has a European site and a global site. If he is running his business from a small garage in Thailand, he won't be able to do that for long.
Also, I just noticed on the global site that they only show the 175cc upgrade kit for the PCX 150, not the bigger 196cc bbk. Maybe they are having problems with it. I wouldn't send them any money until they start answering emails.

Re: Yuminashi PCX 150 Speed Combo, anyone try it?

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 9:39 pm
by chainsaw
Yuminashi are currently redesigning the 150 BBK after having a couple of overheating issues during development, thats why there arent any kits available at the moment. I have bought parts from reggy in person and through the yuminashi website and havent had any problems thus far

Re: Yuminashi PCX 150 Speed Combo, anyone try it?

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 7:04 pm
by Pcxdemon
+1 Me neither...
I guess only problem there is, is with people keep guessing and assuming and have never bought anything from them. I've bought heaps of things from yuminashi, once a wrong item was sent but were exchanged imidiatley with no fuss. Once a cylinder didn't look right to my liking and i was sent a replacement again imidiatley with apologies every time. Shipping is with TNT and it's very fast to your door. I wouldn't hesitate to buy from yuminashi, I know they come good with guarantees for their product and prompt replacement if there is an issue.

Re: Yuminashi PCX 150 Speed Combo, anyone try it?

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 3:27 am
by Valiant
Pcxdemon wrote:+1 Me neither...
I guess only problem there is, is with people keep guessing and assuming and have never bought anything from them. I've bought heaps of things from yuminashi, once a wrong item was sent but were exchanged imidiatley with no fuss. Once a cylinder didn't look right to my liking and i was sent a replacement again imidiatley with apologies every time. Shipping is with TNT and it's very fast to your door. I wouldn't hesitate to buy from yuminashi, I know they come good with guarantees for their product and prompt replacement if there is an issue.
Promptness was the issue for me.

I ordered 3 items from them, all 3 stated that the shipping time was 1 week. 2 weeks after the order, I sent an e-mail asking about an update, since I haven't heard anything since I placed the order. No response for 3 days, so I sent a message via the website in my account details. No response for another 4 days, and between that period, new items were placed on the site(I believe it was a gasket set for the Grom).

I got irritated on February 19th, so I opened a dispute with Paypal. On the very same day, I got my first(and only) communication from Yuminashi in the Paypal Resolution Center, saying that the items were not ready to ship before that time, but now all 3 are shipped out, and here's the tracking number(shipped same day).

The cynic in me wants to know if I would have received anything at all, had I not opened the dispute.

I'm not making accusations, but I have a hard time imagining that I simply picked the wrong time to try to contact him... over the course of two months. I can understand if the guy is busy and doesn't want to answer petty questions, but if he already took my money, then that's going to rub me the wrong way.

Re: Yuminashi PCX 150 Speed Combo, anyone try it?

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 5:02 am
by Pcxdemon
Sorry to hear that, yea , that sucks just a bit... :(

Re: Yuminashi PCX 150 Speed Combo, anyone try it?

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 1:02 pm
by Valiant
A bit.

I did get exactly what I ordered, so maybe it won't prevent me from buying from them again. Just that I might have to lower my expectations quite a bit and mark on the calendar when the last day to open a Paypal dispute is.