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Re: Wrecked PCX

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 1:42 pm
by logepoge1
Progressive cut me a check for my wreck. Used dealership for labor prices. Check was $1600 for the scooters damages. Cost me $350 to just go ahead and reskin it as pearl white since I already had to replace 3/4 of the panels. And the panels were only 10-20 a piece. The insurance adjuster even told me that if he were me he would just bank the check and fix it himself lol

Re: Wrecked PCX

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 1:45 pm
by logepoge1
Mel46 wrote:That CTX is a beautiful bike. I would love to have one, but I am old, so I will play it safe with my PCX. My wife was upset when I bought the Burgman, so you know she would have a heart attack if I bought 700cc cruiser.
Definately. The dealership is doing a sale price of 7699 for me, about 1000 less than the msrp, so it will come out to 8500 after taxes. We have 9% sales tax here where I live or 10.5% if I use my parents address. Insuranxe is going to be almost twice as much. Progressive considers it a sports bike and geico considers it a touring bike so going with geico. Definately expensive considering I bought the scooter for 2500 as my first bike. But the ctx should last awhile. I saw darth Emma on the ctx forums where she used to have one. I did send a message asking for her impressions

Re: Wrecked PCX

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 2:09 pm
by jojo87
I have no-one to fix it all though, due to my Leg I wouldn't be able to do it, and have no-one else that can do it, i'd also then have to pay to have someone take it to a Garage and collect it, and obv get all parts sent to them and hope everything turns up and hope they dont damage anything etc etc, but even they said they don't like doing much with Scooters, nearest Honda Dealer is awhile away, but they'd charge a bob, so kind of f*cked, will just have to wait 6 weeks and see what they say and go from there.

Re: Wrecked PCX

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 3:40 pm
by gn2
Shitload of hassle compared to keeping a bigger gap to the car in front.......

Re: Wrecked PCX

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 3:54 pm
by jojo87
Ah well, sh*t happens.

Re: Wrecked PCX

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 3:58 pm
by you you
gn2 wrote:Shitload of hassle compared to keeping a bigger gap to the car in front.......

Dog and bone....

Re: Wrecked PCX

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 8:08 pm
by GeorgeSK
jojo87 wrote:...

So yeah... doesn't seem bad so far, think it's due to the fact that I had the video footage and 2 witnesses and Police Incident numbers etc etc etc all ready to go.
If the accident isn't your fault, doesn't the other guy's insurance pick up the liability? I think you are right that you should not have any out-of-pocket to replace a vehicle only a couple of months old. Or be paying any medical bills either, for that matter. Your insurance company should be acting as your lawyer dealing with the other company, not your adversary. If they are not, perhaps YOU need a lawyer.

Sorry you are banged up, though, and glad that you are able to post about it. Hopefully there will be no long-term effects from the crash. Good luck for a fast recovery.

Re: Wrecked PCX

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 8:56 pm
by Steph
sendler2112 wrote:My dealer let me ride their CTX DCT. No windshield though. The trans is pretty cool. Low revving engine still gets 70 mpgUS.
The foot pegs are so far forward that many shorter women who want the bike instead of a Harley can't reach. HOw long before motorcycles become fully adjustable like bicycles have always been?
I have no troubles flat footing it and with my knees bent. The forward foot pegs I can reach just fine. Is kinda weird that they made it that way. What do I know about motorcycles. :D

Re: Wrecked PCX

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 10:16 am
by iceman
GeorgeSK wrote:If the accident isn't your fault, doesn't the other guy's insurance pick up the liability? Your insurance company should be acting as your lawyer dealing with the other company, not your adversary. If they are not, perhaps YOU need a lawyer.
In the UK it depends if the other person has insurance (there is a large percentage that don't, but improving now with camera recognition of licence plates) and legal cover is often an add on to UK insurance.

Re: Wrecked PCX

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 10:38 am
by jojo87
Yep he got Insurance, and he admitted it was hit fault, but can obv see that in the Footage anyway,
just waiting for the Solicitor to come tomorrow to get the ball rolling,
only issue is the Bike really, if they repair it then that's all good,
if not, I don't really want it back broken as I cant get it repaired myself... and the salvage company wont give me much for it,
so i'll have to fork out money to get a new one,
if I do get money for the Injury then that wont be for months and months yet,
but yeah, will just have to wait and see what happens,
will be around 6 weeks anyway so will just have to wait until then and see from there.

Re: Wrecked PCX

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 11:56 am
by gn2
You should not be out of pocket.
Market value of your scooter as was before the crash, plus any loss of earnings and out of pocket expenses is what you can reasonably expect as settlement.

Re: Wrecked PCX

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 12:24 pm
by jojo87
I don't think these ones go for that much now though do they :-/
the 2013 ones, well, obv 2013 is better than the older ones,
I only paid about £1650 for it though and that was in May,
but yeah, will have to wait about 6 weeks to find out about repairing or write off,
Injury Claim etc will then be a few more months,
I can only use the Hire one while they have mine though I think (will ask about that)
obviously if they give me money to dispose of it then I then have to wait months after until I can actually get my own Bike again,
if that does happen, i'll obv look for the newer 2014 models, or is it 2015 now, as I seen them for just over £2000

Re: Wrecked PCX

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 1:00 pm
by gn2
Just keep using the hire one till they ask for it back.
Don't ask them anything, tell them straight you'll only give it back once you have a suitable repair/replacement in place ;)

Re: Wrecked PCX

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 4:08 pm
by you you
gn2 wrote:Just keep using the hire one till they ask for it back.
Don't ask them anything, tell them straight you'll only give it back once you have a suitable repair/replacement in place ;)

This is true, don't fall on your sword

Re: Wrecked PCX

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 4:13 pm
by jojo87
I will actually, the woman I talked to on the phone asked whether I wanted one now or whether she should ring me back in a few weeks to sort one out for me,
or she said if I do heal before she rings, then to ring her and she'll get it all sorted,
only thing is, the Bike company guy was looking at my Bike, obv it looks new etc and he said I wouldn't like their bikes at all as they apparently look sh*t lol
knowing me with my OCD i'd get it and have to clean it up etc, fair enough it's just to get me from a-b but again, as working from home, I do like to get out for air etc,
and don't really want to have to go around on some banger :-/
but yeah, will just have to wait and see and take things step by step.

Re: Wrecked PCX

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 12:51 pm
by jojo87
Bike has been written off :-(
just waiting for the company to ring me now on where to go from here,
will obviously end up being offered a amount....
thing is, I paid only £1650 for the Bike, a good deal, 2013... only had about 2400 miles on it, great condition,
but looking online now for the same Bike, they're all £1800+
plus i'd have to pay around £150-170 to get someone to collect/deliver it,
and I cant see the other Insurers paying out too much,
but obviously I want the same Bike, why should I go without or downgrade due to the driver!

Re: Wrecked PCX

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 1:04 pm
by homie
jojo87 wrote:Bike has been written off :-(
just waiting for the company to ring me now on where to go from here,
will obviously end up being offered a amount....
thing is, I paid only £1650 for the Bike, a good deal, 2013... only had about 2400 miles on it, great condition,
but looking online now for the same Bike, they're all £1800+
plus i'd have to pay around £150-170 to get someone to collect/deliver it,
and I cant see the other Insurers paying out too much,
but obviously I want the same Bike, why should I go without or downgrade due to the driver!
Why so sad JoJo? They will cut you a check and even if its less than you want you'll have a sizable down payment on a 2015 PCX. Don't buy another used scoot and don't pick up the wreck if you cant part it out, but I know you can :) I left my stolen trashed Honda 650 at the salvage yard and never picked it up. Salvage just keeps adding storage fees until a time they own it... which is what they hope and how they make money :) I am happy its totaled JoJo, this is best outcome if your system handles this like the USA does.

Re: Wrecked PCX

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 1:22 pm
by jojo87
I'd of rathered of had it repaired and obv been able to ride it and sold it on as i'd of got more than I paid for it and then get a 2014 atleast, I dont have any money at all so even if they give me less then £1650 I dont have the money to get another :-( so I basically need the guys insurers to offer me a reasonable amount to be able to buy the exact same Bike atleast, just have to wait and see.

Re: Wrecked PCX

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 5:07 pm
by you you
jojo87 wrote:Maybe not all good,
BLD took the Bike,
got some paperwork.....
basically, they take it for about 6 weeks, assess it, if they think it isn't worth repairing then they'll write it off.....
if they repair it then all good, I get my Bike back,
if not, and they write it off, I either get my 'salvage Bike' sent back to me and then i'll have to get the repairs done,
the salvage company will buy my 'salvage' and dispose of it...
I paid £1650 for it in May, so doubt i'll get anywhere near that for it!
meaning then I got to fork out money to buy a new Bike.

Keep the faith :D

Re: Wrecked PCX

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 10:30 am
by jojo87
for them to dispose of it, they'll give me a cheque for £231.....
and then the third party insurers has offered a settlement of £1419
(which makes up the £1650 I paid for the Bike)


I've had to send them links and proof that there are no other 2013 models in black with the same (or less) miles on than mine which I can get for £1650,
the fact the previous owner had it up for £2000 and lowered it for me, and I had to pay £170 for it to get delivered... making that £1820 total...

but again, i've looked on Hondas used Bikes, on eBay, Gumtree etc etc just to prove that all the 2013 Bikes are selling for more than £2000,
so for me to be able to buy another Bike the same as mine, they're going to have to offer me more than £1419, they're going to have to throw another £500+ onto that.

Just waiting to hear back from them now,
obviously not going to accept the £1419 and then try and get £500+ from my own pocket just to buy the same Bike,
as they should be paying me enough to buy the same Bike anyway,
just because I had mine at a good price, doesn't mean I should have to downgrade models just because they aren't offering me enough,
I was on an immaculate condition 2013 Honda PCX, so I should be given enough to purchase another immaculate condition 2013 Honda PCX!