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Re: Riding with full beam on all the time.

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 11:50 am
by edscoot
From the link above:

Headlamp. (a) Used so as to cause undue dazzle or discomfort to other persons using the road.

That's a bit subjective isn't it? One mans dazzle or discomfort is not necessarily the same for the next man. It's possible that this may be interpreted differently by different people (i.e. police officers) I've ridden past two police cars in the last few days with my lights at high and didn't attract any interest from them, the next one I go past might be different.

Re: Riding with full beam on all the time.

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 12:02 pm
by gn2
Just because the Police don't pull you every time doesn't make it correct.
Thre simply are not enough Police to stop everyone for every offence.
Do the right thing, dipped during the day, full beam during darkness.
You mentioned signals earlier, the only thing an indiscriminate daytime full beam signals is that the rider is an inconsiderate knob.

Re: Riding with full beam on all the time.

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 12:17 pm
by Teamtd11
I have to say i don't agree with having full beams on all the time.

When I get some prick up my rear with full beams on because they disagree with you doing 30 at that part of the 30 zone, it really scares the hell out of me.

I prefer to toot the horn at anyone waiting to pull out. Then slam on the horn and wave my fists at them when they pull out and force me to break lol

Re: Riding with full beam on all the time.

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 12:22 pm
by edscoot
Teamtd11 wrote:I have to say i don't agree with having full beams on all the time.

When I get some prick up my rear with full beams on because they disagree with you doing 30 at that part of the 30 zone, it really scares the hell out of me.

I prefer to toot the horn at anyone waiting to pull out. Then slam on the horn and wave my fists at them when they pull out and force me to break lol
Tooting your horn my be misinterpreted by the car driver as giving them the go ahead to make their move.

You certainly don't want a prick up your rear.

Re: Riding with full beam on all the time.

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 12:36 pm
by Teamtd11
Well I find the horn works very well. Around here everyone uses there beams to indicate you can go first or they are letting you pull out. Toot your horn and people are going to spot you and thats what you need.

Re: Riding with full beam on all the time.

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 11:55 pm
by ese12105
There is absolutely no way to "dazzle" someone during the daylight with the high beams on a pcx. I always have mine on during the day and off at night unless I'm somewhere pitch black and there is no other traffic. High beam during the day increases visibility and saves lives. Anyone who gets "dazzled" is a "knob". I agree at night that high beams could "dazzle" someone, but during the day, that is an absolute falsehood in my opinion. Do yourself a favor and keep yourself alive. And install a better horn too :-)

Re: Riding with full beam on all the time.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 2:07 am
by Taz
I would not want to pull up behind a car or bike in traffic with high beam on, even in day time. And I wouldnt want someone behind me doing it. Do unto others as would want them do unto you. Low beam is fine.

Re: Riding with full beam on all the time.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 12:40 pm
by maddiedog
I think it's interesting how different everyone's opinions are on this. Thanks for keeping it civil so far, let's keep on keeping this discussion civil. ;)

My logic matches others who are on the side of "high during the day" -- the sun is so bright during the day that the highs are not blinding. I do admit that I am an asshole for running my highs at night (I'm not entirely sure if I'd go so far as calling myself a "sheep shagger," gn2 :lol: ).

But, most of the roads I'm on at night are 4+ lanes with a median at 45+mph. In my opinion, my greater visibility is worth me being an asshole.

I should note that if I am passing through a small town or a tight 2-lane road, I do turn off my highs for the sake of other drivers. With them coming DIRECTLY at me, the highs would definitely blind other drivers. Like I said though, that situation is rare for my driving.

Re: Riding with full beam on all the time.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 1:40 pm
by JGC
As an advance rider (IAM) I really cannot agree with riding on full beam!! You would be surprised that even in good daylight that full beam will dazzle other motorists and ultimately p!$$ a few off, which is never a good thing to do in my books. As two wheeled riders (remember I have a PCX and a Deauville) we are a somewhat maligned minority to some motorist already, so best not to give them good reason to fault us further.
These views are mine and mine alone ;)

Re: Riding with full beam on all the time.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 2:47 pm
by gn2
JGC wrote:These views are mine and mine alone ;)
Nope, they're mine too and there are lots more people who share them.

Re: Riding with full beam on all the time.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 3:27 pm
by TC3
Yep add me to the list ..... full headlights in daytime is a nono

Re: Riding with full beam on all the time.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 4:39 pm
by Taz
just ride assuming no cars can see you so you have a plan B if they swerve towards you.

And be careful of the eyeball trick. I used to assume if the driver is looking towards you so you can see their eyeballs then they can see you. Worked until I got hit by a left hand drive car from europe but in London. I had eyeballed what I thought was the driver but it was the passenger. Car cut in front of me and i did a graceful somersault over its bonnet. Driver was an airline captain who didnt see me.

Re: Riding with full beam on all the time.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 5:05 pm
by gn2
I never look at the drivers of other vehicles instead I prefer to look at the vehicle.
It's not the driver you will hit, it's the vehicle so why look at the driver...?
For example, car in a side street waiting to pull out.
Just because you eyeball the driver and he eyeballs you is no guarantee that he'll stay put and won't pull out on you.
Much better to look at the front wheel to see if it starts rolling forwards imo.

Re: Riding with full beam on all the time.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 7:10 pm
by maddiedog
More often than not, people will see me, or even wave me on, then go anyways. Don't trust anything but your instincts.

Re: Riding with full beam on all the time.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 7:32 am
by Woolley
gn2 wrote:I never look at the drivers of other vehicles instead I prefer to look at the vehicle.
It's not the driver you will hit, it's the vehicle so why look at the driver...?
For example, car in a side street waiting to pull out.
Just because you eyeball the driver and he eyeballs you is no guarantee that he'll stay put and won't pull out on you.
Much better to look at the front wheel to see if it starts rolling forwards imo.
Granted ive been riding less than a year so im no expert by any means but i always looked at the front wheel and ive never really come close to any accident.

Re: Riding with full beam on all the time.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 8:11 am
by TC3
I watch wheels if they are turning to indicate the car is about to get into my path. Do i watch if wheels start to move forward as i am riding towards the vehicle? Ferk that i need my eyes to be alert to all going on around me at all times and not to focus on a wheel turning! In 9 years of riding i have had 1 accident with another vehicle and that was last November and due to the woman pulling out when it was way to late or me to stop in time.

Re: Riding with full beam on all the time.

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 3:18 pm
by wallacem
I ride with high beam on during the daytime. Years ago, I was riding with a buddy in front of me, and when we stopped he asked me if my headlight was on. I told him yes, he then asked me if it was on dim or bright, said during the daytime a motorcycle headlight is not very vizable on low beam, but very vizable on high. I have run it on high since. I do not run it on high at night, it is plenty vizable on low beam after dark. Wallacem in Georgia

Riding with full beam on all the time.

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 10:28 pm
by AustinPCX
Survive one accident, consider yourself lucky. Survive more than one accident, no matter who is at fault, consider yourself a lucky idiot who is a clueless rider or driver. Always assume you are invisible and EVERYONE is out to hit you. High beams in the daytime Is just discourteous to others. There are better ways to make yourself visible. Don't wear dark clothing with a dark helmet! Contrasting colors works better than blending in with your bike.

Re: Riding with full beam on all the time.

Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 12:50 am
by Taz
Austin, I agree. High beam is also going to dazzle the internal mirror of cars and mirrors of other bikes when behind them. I just think its a big no no. And if you've got a black or silver PCX that camoflages with the road color, that was your choice when you bought it. I've got white and hear you can buy a red one now. And my Belstaff jacket is covered with reflector stripes.

Re: Riding with full beam on all the time.

Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 4:10 am
by Nobody
AustinPCX wrote:...Always assume you are invisible and EVERYONE is out to hit you. High beams in the daytime Is just discourteous to others.
...Don't wear dark clothing with a dark helmet! Contrasting colors works better than blending in with your bike.
I only ever run on highs at night when needed. Constant awareness, good road positioning etc are more important.
Agree totally with this statement on contrasting. I'm not a fluro rider but having contrasting helmet/jacket/bike is a strong recommendation from the riding courses here. Check out other bikers and see how they stand out based on what they are wearing. And almost everything on the road here has its lights on now, so lights alone (low or high) mean you are still just one of the pack.