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Re: State of the forum - July 2013!

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 8:26 am
by Slickvic
khaosaming wrote:
One suggestion. The bookmark in my browser doesn't show any icon. Would it be possible to have an icon in the favourites list for the site?
I searched for appropriate icons and found this: . . . . Oh come on, the scooter says "icon" :lol:

Then I thought "no," . . . So.. How about this: :?

Um..too much flash.. . . ..

Then there is this:

..or an icon-sized icon:

P.S. I love the site MaddieDog. Great work!!

Re: State of the forum - July 2013!

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 9:35 am
by maddiedog
I added a favicon. I had to clear my browser cache for it to update.

I updated the logo, GN2. The one you posted works great.

I updated Tapatalk too. Alibally, please let me know if this resolves the issue you were having. :)

Anyone else have any requests or issues?

Re: State of the forum - July 2013!

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 9:54 am
by kramnala58
maddiedog wrote: ... I updated Tapatalk ... Anyone else have any requests or issues?
Pardon my ignorance, but is Tapatalk an app? If so, where can I learn more about it? Is there something on this forum regarding it?

Re: State of the forum - July 2013!

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 10:12 am
by maddiedog
Here's the site for tapatalk:

It allows mobile users to easily use and browse the forum. A few people requested it, so I installed it a long time ago.

Re: State of the forum - July 2013!

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 11:33 am
by Alibally
Tapatalk is now working great. The participated is now ok and it shows the photos as well in threads that had to be opened in a browser to see before.
Thanks very much for all the work on the forum. It's looking good.

Re: State of the forum - July 2013!

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 5:24 am
by Driller
Thanks, indeed!
Very happy with how it works.

Re: State of the forum - July 2013!

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 8:04 am
by haildamage
completely happy with this forum and the moderation. the other guys pissed me off early on with their arrogant attitudes, commercialism and other shenanigans. thanks for taking the initiative to make a site by and for enthusiasts instead of just a place to push PCX aftermarket products!

Re: State of the forum - July 2013!

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 9:07 am
by cessna151
I have the same issue as Taz. All topics are bold as if unread even though they have been read. I'm running Firefox on Windows 7.

Suggestion: PLEASE remove the time restriction for editing posts. If you feel too strongly about this then you could increase it to, say, a week, or a few days atleast.

As far as the site goes, call me old fashioned, but i think simpler is better. Not a big fan of the new look. I must say, however, that of all the forums i frequent, your moderation style is the best.

Re: State of the forum - July 2013!

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 9:44 am
by gn2
I think the editing time restriction is an excellent idea and should not be changed.
There's the "Preview" feature, this gives plenty opportunity to get your post right before finally submitting it.

Re: State of the forum - July 2013!

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 10:12 am
by WhiteNoise
I agree, the preview pane gives you many opportunities to edit and edit and edit again Before submitting your post. Even after submission, you have that "small window" of time to still edit. I know this works, I preview each of my sometimes/most times winded posts. What can I tell ya? I'm a tawka (o; There have been a handful of my responses that "I" would have liked to jump back in, but time elapsed. Oh well, not a biggie and 'twas meant to be as it was written. Keeps us a bit more honest I think...don't you?
To Dave, I'm truly liking All your changes, So professional, clean, and yeah.....Cool! I took my time responding thinking there's Got to be something missing, shite! Nothing more that I need! So thank you for your time and for asking us what we think! I'll also add that I'm very happy to read more from maddiedog on forums (o;

Re: State of the forum - July 2013!

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 10:28 am
by dasshreddar
Thanks, Dave :) great job.

I like the new look, I was gone for a week, came back and everything was green :o :lol:

On another note will the new Forza be part of this forum when it comes out?
Maybe Honda could change the name to PCXL... :lol:

Re: State of the forum - July 2013!

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 10:44 am
by WhiteNoise
Okay, I'll admit.......I still like the upper photo banner idea. :D You know, the survey you posted awhile back? I love your scoot on the shore pic, and I know there are other good looking photo's on the forums that can perhaps be alternated from time to time (i.e. every month or so?) My thought is, that it just might soften the bold block Look of the forum a "wee" bit. You know what I mean? It doesn't have to be a big pic, but just enough for us to See it. Just asking..... :P

Re: State of the forum - July 2013!

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 11:02 am
by skuuter
I'm Happy.....I've been "MIA" for a while here, but now I'm back.....GREAT JOB Maddie.....!!!!!... 8)

Re: State of the forum - July 2013!

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 11:52 am
by Alibally
I saw another forum,(a car one not another pcx one, perish the thought) that had a like button for individual posts. I thought it was quite a nice idea as you might agree with something but don't want to say too much in reply. I suppose the downside of this might be that the number of posts might drop as people would hit the like button instead.

Re: State of the forum - July 2013!

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 12:06 pm
by strkngfang
I agree with everyone, Maddiedog, you've done a tremendous job here. Quality forums with good guys are hard to come by, I've been lucky twice with this one and being a few year member of "".
I have a question with Tapatalk, since that subject came up? I have it on my 4th gen IPod Touch, but all I can get is "Club PCX". I get a notice when I go here via Safari that it is available but when I hit open, nothing happens???

Re: State of the forum - July 2013!

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 7:39 am
by strkngfang
Tapatalk issue resolved.

Re: State of the forum - July 2013!

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 8:55 am
by GeorgeSK
While I am quite new here, I do have one suggestion. Would it be possible to duplicate the "view new posts" button at the bottom of the page? Clicking on the icon for getting to the last post is a great help, but then you have to scroll up before you can get back to seeing what is new.

I am used to a different board format ( where the posts are listed in a cascading sort of view, and what you have read is presented in a different color (clearly cookies are involved). This makes picking up a thread where you left off very easy. Maybe because I am just used to it, but I find it far less cumbersome than piloting around this style of board.

OTOH, having the specific areas for how-to (especially how-to), gallery, ride descriptions, and the ever popular off-topic make finding relevant posts a bit easier than doing a site-wide search for a topic and hoping that you have picked a good search term or phrase.

The ability to do some editing AFTER hitting the submit button is a godsend, especially for a newbie with the board like myself. I will get used to the mechanics eventually, but there has been at least once where there would not have been any info from me actually shown had it not been for the ability to go back and edit.

I don't know how much moderation you actually need to do, but it seems perfectly stealth. In the week that I have been on, I have seen no rants, pissing matches, or posts from people clearly off their meds. If you are filtering that crap out, bless you! If we as a group are reasonable, well, bless us.

Ride on, ladies and gentlemen!

Re: State of the forum - July 2013!

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 9:12 am
by ~Cheap_Ride~
I am brand new so I have nothing to compare to in regards to PCX forums. I do howerver belong to a few other non bike related forums and I can tell you the worst thing you can do is to create a reputation system. It does nothing more than cause more fights and seperate forum users into little cliques.

This place seems refreshing to me so far as there is none of that going on here. You do have the drama queen section where if someone wants to stoop to that level of reading they can, but the thread topics themselves are clean and informative.

Re: State of the forum - July 2013!

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 9:27 am
by gn2
GeorgeSK wrote:but then you have to scroll up before you can get back to seeing what is new.
Just press the Home button on your keyboard ;)

Re: State of the forum - July 2013!

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 9:40 am
by GeorgeSK
gn2 wrote:
GeorgeSK wrote:but then you have to scroll up before you can get back to seeing what is new.
Just press the Home button on your keyboard ;)

Well, that is simple enough. Thanks.