Forza key locked in seat.

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Forza key locked in seat.

Post by ghmpm »

A friend locked his key in the seat, DOH. 2013 Forza. BTW no extra key or emergency key. Anyway the advice given to me was as follows:

"Nothing to do with the battery, Forza 2013 seat opens without the battery..., just left the key in the seat. This happened to me once, but I knew exactly where the key under the seat was, so I asked a friend to pull the side of the seat up, it's very loose. Then slipped my hand under it and got the key out. The seat lifts from one side just enough to slip a small hand, ask a kid or girl maybe.... 🤗"

Any other tips for this calamity? My Silver Wing has a key lock for the seat, too bad things have to get so complicated!

2015 Honda Forza 300
2012 Honda Silver Wing
2005 Honda Goldwing Trike