SH300 (2019) - Stolen / Recovered - Keyless wont start

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SH300 (2019) - Stolen / Recovered - Keyless wont start

Post by jonfox »

Hey All,

I hope someone can point me in the right direction.

Quick background SH300 (2019) was stolen last week. Remarkably the police found it the same day!
It was a little beat up but overall the condition was better than i'd imagined.
I got the bike back, but the key is not recognised, and as such wont start.
It has the Keyless setup. The Battery is charged fully but the key is just not recognised.

I've checked the bike over and at first glance nothing appears to be missing or cut.

The Ignition element is there still (See Pic)
Ignition.PNG (489.27 KiB) Viewed 60999 times
At the rear of the bike this I'm assuming this is the ECU. This is still in place. However as you can see this plastic part is broken so now exposed. I'm guessing they tried to get at this.
Rear.PNG (1.1 MiB) Viewed 60999 times
That being said...
When looking on Ebay i see x3 elements of the Lock set/Proximity Keyless system i couldn't locate this one module. I'm assuming this is the reader box? - See pic highlighted in red.
Keyless setup1.PNG
Keyless setup1.PNG (614.75 KiB) Viewed 60999 times
On checking the bike again and on the right hand side of the bike i can see that the fairing has been pulled out. I can see that a plug where a module would be is missing, It looks like the right amount of pins. -see pic
Right Side Fairing.PNG
Right Side Fairing.PNG (723.8 KiB) Viewed 60999 times
Could this be where that missing module should be?

Any help, advice would be grateful before i take it to honda and get a hefty bill.
Many thanks