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Life is Going to the Dogs. . .But in a Good Way!

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2018 8:13 am
by PCX150Rider
IMHO not a bad idea really. . .just need to use good judgement where this would be appropriate. :geek:

Re: Life is Going to the Dogs. . .But in a Good Way!

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2018 9:00 am
by easyrider
This could be very dangerous and border on cruelty if not done right. There are many factors to consider..age of the dog, breed, temperature of the air and on the pavement surface. Sun beating down on the animal and on black asphalt pavement gets extremely hot and repeated contact will not cool the animal's paws.Heat exhaustion, dehydration,are just a couple of atrocities to consider and worry about. Dogs need to be exercised but in moderation.. I can see where many will unconsciously abuse their best friend with this idea.

Re: Life is Going to the Dogs. . .But in a Good Way!

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2018 10:49 am
by Mel46

I wouldn't do that with my dogs but to each their own. If it is a hot day outside the pavement could be to hot on their paws. When we walk our dogs on hot days we wait until evening, and then we try to walk them part of the time on grass to cool their paws.

Re: Life is Going to the Dogs. . .But in a Good Way!

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2018 4:50 pm
by PCX150Rider
Good point. Just watching the way people drive is a statement on their "good judgement" alone. I would hope that dog owners would use common sense and not subject their pets to abusive treatment.

I remember when I was a kid my Border Collie used to pull me on my sled around the yard during Winter sometimes. . .but I was only around 8 years old then and didn't weigh much. ;)

One added note. . .I'm seeing a lot more "Wrong Way" drivers lately. People entering roads or access ways that are posted either "One Way" or clearly marked "Do Not Enter". Stupid people. . .or they just don't GAF. Be careful out there! o_O

Re: Life is Going to the Dogs. . .But in a Good Way!

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2018 10:25 pm
by dgnyberg
Judging by the angle of the shadows and the lack of intensity of those shadows, it appears to be an overcast day.
So, I don't think the pavement would be too hot, but judgment should be taken into consideration.
Also, look at sled dogs, they are in a harsh environment, but do quite well pulling a sled.
I'd be more concerned with the idiot drivers that are on their cellphones and not looking where they are going.

Re: Life is Going to the Dogs. . .But in a Good Way!

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2018 8:33 am
by easyrider
Key word is dogs( Plural)..cold weather helps.. In the summer there are many sunny and hot days.. Yes good discretion is important.. Do most people possess that NOT !!

Re: Life is Going to the Dogs. . .But in a Good Way!

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2018 10:10 am
by Mel46
If this says anything about good discretion, this happened yesterday.

First let me set the scene:
I was sitting at a 3 way stop (Two straight lanes on this particular side because the outside lane turns) with the 4th position open to those who are either going straight or turning. Well there was a whole line of cars going straight. They did not have to slow down, or yield, or even acknowledge the rest of the waiting traffic.

While I was sitting there waiting for the congestion to clear, a very angry-looking lady pulls up beside me, touches her brake petal momentarily and pulls right out in front of oncoming traffic, forcing the entire line to slam on their brakes, while she goes merrily on her angry way.

We have a LOT of those type of drivers in our area, most seeming to believe that traffic jams are for everyone else but not them, so they do as they wish.
That being said, what do you think they are teaching their children about compassion for animals? My guess is that they don't teach them anything, so if they saw the above "device" they would try to force their dog to do it, no matter the size of the dog or the weather outside.

Re: Life is Going to the Dogs. . .But in a Good Way!

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2018 11:45 am
by easyrider
Mel, being an ex New Yorker that is typically how city folks live everyday especially in Manhattan. Cutting off each and everyone is the norm and when you are there you better follow suit or you will be beeped to death if not run over.
I was in Manhattan a couple years ago and a truck was entering a side street in Manhattan. There was a brand new Cadillac parked near the corner. As I stopped to let the truck make his turn he hit the caddy in the left rear quarter panel and creamed it good. He merely backed up re positioned his maneuver made the turn and went merrily on his way.. No concern whatsoever.. Amazing lifestyle up there.. No one cares ..its all about them.. I suspect your lady driver may have once been a big city gal?? Just guessing.

Re: Life is Going to the Dogs. . .But in a Good Way!

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2018 1:53 pm
by flyingzonker
the problem with this system, as was pointed out above, is that it begs to be abused. It might be fun for good sized young dogs belonging to older adults who have had a long acquaintance with dogs and the limits of their endurance.

It is very easy for a jogger in good shape to take a dog with him on a run and bring that dog back limping and footsore. THE DOG HAS TO BE IN GOOD SHAPE TOO.

Re: Life is Going to the Dogs. . .But in a Good Way!

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2018 2:22 pm
by PCX150Rider
Just for the record. . .any comments in support of animal safety and welfare I totally agree with. :D

Also. . .Any support for "throwing the book" and issuing maximum fines at stupid drivers I also totally agree with. :D