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Gone to the dark side

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 1:03 pm
by Richard
My daily commute changed from 40 miles round trip to 122 a fortnight before Christmas.....the Forza handled it ok, but I was on the limit of it for a period of the journey, so today I picked up a nice new Burgman 650.
I have gained a wealth of knowledge from this group for which I thank you all.

I will continue to pop in here ....but would just like to thank you all.

Regards & keep it upright.

Re: Gone to the dark side

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 4:10 pm
by Pete07bikes
Wow, 122 miles round trip! That is some commute Richard, good luck with the Burgman - I rode one once and was very impressed.

How long had you had the Forza and, at 40 miles commute how many miles had it done when you chopped it in?


Re: Gone to the dark side

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 5:24 am
by Richard
I had had the Forza for a year to near enough the day....part exed it with 8200 miles on it.

Re: Gone to the dark side

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 8:36 am
by JetPilot
Did you move ?? How did that happen that your commute increased so much, what do you do for work ???? That is a crazy long commute ! Given the length of that commute, I would have just gotten a car :) If that is highway commuting, the huge, giant Burgman will probably be much better for that commute... Sounds like a good choice.


Re: Gone to the dark side

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 9:21 am
by Bash On!
Yikes. I wouldn't even drive a car that far every day. Had a 100-mile RT commute for 8 years. Took the train.

[Learned my lesson--finally. Current commute is 7 miles RT. Rode a bicycle yesterday and took the Silver Wing today. Yes, a Silver Wing is overkill for that commute.]

Re: Gone to the dark side

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 10:38 am
by Pete07bikes
I must admit anything over a 50 mile round trip commute would probably work out cheaper using a car (if you take into account scooter servicing & maintenance) or public transport - however you have to weigh up traffic conditions, availability of trains/coaches/buses and factor in the ability to filter through on two wheels.
Certainly will be comfy on the big Burgman with its heated seats & grips!

Re: Gone to the dark side

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 10:42 am
by Mel46
When I had my Burgman 400 it was great for distance riding. I think the Burgmans are made for those who want to cruise. The 650 is considered the Cadillac of scooters because it is soooo comfortable and dependable. You can go across country with it and still feel relaxed. I know of riders who have taken their 650 on tours with a trailer attached. Enjoy your new ride. :-)

Re: Gone to the dark side

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 1:22 pm
by Richard
We moved house and my office moved shortly after, I travel in to South London...entering for the East.
A car is not an option given traffic and congestion charge.

Re: Gone to the dark side

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 3:18 pm
by Pete07bikes
Richard wrote "We moved house and my office moved shortly after, I travel in to South London...entering for the East.
A car is not an option given traffic and congestion charge"

It's a bit of a beast for London filtering - be finding that switch to fold the mirrors in very handy I reckon!

Re: Gone to the dark side

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 5:55 am
by JetPilot
Richard wrote:We moved house and my office moved shortly after, I travel in to South London...entering for the East.
A car is not an option given traffic and congestion charge.
Sitting in traffic SUCKS !!! I would have to agree, in rush hour, a scooter is not only a lot more fun, but you can always keep moving, even if it is slow... I never filter fast as it it very dangerous. Riding a motorcycle is always a bit dangerous, but slow filtering does the trick of getting through traffic while staying safe as one can be on 2 wheels :D


Re: Gone to the dark side

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 9:59 am
by Hax
I had a period of 5 years where I commuted 70 miles per day and then another 2 at 80 miles per day. Done on a variety of 2 and 3 wheelers including Triumph Speedmaster 900, Kawasaki Z650, Shadow 1100 and Metro engined trike. Probably cover about 100 miles per week now and costs me pennies on the PCX!

Re: Gone to the dark side

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 11:47 am
by Mel46
When I first arrived at the employer that I eventually retired from, there were workers who travelled 150 miles one way every single day, and their ride was NOT the furthest one!
Because my employer paid such good wages for the area, there were people who drove from the bottom of the state every day, eventually settling for renting a room locally and going home only on weekends. They did this for 20 years. Now if you don't think it was THAT far, look up Georgia in the United States. Then look for Valdosta at the bottom of the state, and then Marietta (a North western suburb of Atlanta). That is an impressive drive, but there were also workers driving from each of the surrounding states as well. At one point the company told us that there were employees from every single County in Georgia(159) plus every single state that touched our state's borders(5), all working at the same factory. In fact, at one point there were 33,000 employees there. Parking was a mess, but they had special parking for those on motorcycles. Now there are probably around 6,500 - 7,000 employees. I wonder where they all went??

Re: Gone to the dark side

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 6:32 am
by JetPilot
Mel46 wrote: Now there are probably around 6,500 - 7,000 employees. I wonder where they all went??
Those jobs obviously went to China and Mexico... I do not know what company you worked for, but I am very safe to bet they downsized by a huge amount. That brings the obvious question since you are talking about it, WHAT COMPANY DID YOU WORK FOR ???

I would not drive 150 Miles each way for any job, a distance like that would justify getting a room immediately. The room would be FREE considering the cost of driving 300 miles per day... Even more importantly, that drive would take 3 hours or more on most Georgia roads ( most people are not lucky enough to have an interstate leading directly from their house to work ). Work and 8 hour day, + 6 hours of driving makes 14 hours each day... That makes for an easy choice to get a room or just move... Even if I REALLY like where I live, I still not like it enough to spend 6 hours a day of money and time driving as that would leave almost zero time to enjoy it....


Re: Gone to the dark side

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 9:05 am
by you you
I have a 200 mile 5ht round trip drive to work each day. Knackering it is.

Re: Gone to the dark side

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 6:42 pm
by Embattle
Fortunately you would struggle to have to drive that far in this country, unless you happen to drive a truck.

Re: Gone to the dark side

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2017 7:15 am
by easyrider
No amount of money is worth that amount of aggravation. I would move closer first.

Re: Gone to the dark side

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2017 3:25 pm
by phantom309
used to do 34miles round trip a day...but the wages were worth it.. but now work a mile away so i don't even get the bike out , as not even worth