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Adjustable PCX150 Windshield

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 8:56 pm
by ScooterAddict
I was wondering how many PCX150 owners would be interested in an adjustable windshield? Adjustable up and down and tilt forward or back. Manual adjustment and at least 2 different heights of windshields. I am doing a little market research on the feasibility of producing this. Would need a big interest to make it cost effective. This would be made by a leading manufacturer with a warranty. Just a yea or nay will be sufficient.

Thanks, Scott

Re: Adjustable PCX150 Windshield

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 9:29 am
by kramnala58
How about a 'possibly' instead of a yea or nay? I like the concept, just not sure that I would like it enough to purchase it.

Re: Adjustable PCX150 Windshield

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 9:36 am
by Mel46
I would have loved that option. However, now that I have the tall Givi on both bikes I don't see the need for yet another one. However, ...and I think this can be said by others as well, ... if there was one that could be adjusted it would need to be able to do the same as the tallest windshields when fall and winter comes.

Re: Adjustable PCX150 Windshield

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 12:16 pm
by WhiteNoise
First off, :P Thank You Scott for thinking of Us and Sharing your exciting screen product/invention.

Yey or ney, I can't yet say. But...
It sure Sounds interesting. I need more, re: strength of materials, hardware used & how it's mounted, etc. Can you share with us the leading manufacturer that you're referring to?
When available, please show us a prototype, sketch, video or? Any idea of what it would cost for Us to purchase? Also, would there be a Discount for forum members? :D
I ask many questions. Perhaps it is too early in the game to answer them all. Okay then.
Consider me interested .... Still

Re: Adjustable PCX150 Windshield

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 12:46 am
by ScooterAddict
White Noise, I was wondering if you ever bought anything online before? When you order a part for your scooter or something for your home, do you ask them for a sketch, material it is made of? I'm sure if you ordered a seat you could ask the manufacturer what materials it's made of, what kind of thread used or what the seat pan is made of. That would not tell you how it would fit you or how comfortable it really is. I've bought windshields in the past that were totally useless, to much buffeting.

I'm not trying to be a smart ass but I know you've bought things in the past and didn't ask as many questions or interrogation like you posted. All I asked for was a 'yay' or 'nay' to check interest in a product for the future!


Re: Adjustable PCX150 Windshield

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 1:12 am
by WhiteNoise
Okay, okay. Alls good Scott :) I'm looking out for our members and self by asking Questions. They're just questions. I always carry them in my pockets. That'sa joke. Let's loosen up.

Indeed I have ordered and bought many items online. I also inquire and research a lot of those items before "pulling the trigger." Smart consumer here. I strive to buy the best at the best price. Doesn't always work, but I give it a go, and I do darn well. Oh, this is silly, Let's move forward.....

Nothing's changed. I'm still interested, so consider that a "Yey"
So let's get the tally rising. I like the idea, always have. And I have a feeling other's would "yey" too if you could/would share a wee bit more. Up to you. You're the inventor (?) Salesperson (?)....perhaps a one man band (?) using a leading manufacturer w/a warranty. Nice!

B4 I step away, Are you familiar with the website Kickstarter? I'm not sure how they operate but I'll point you there in case it helps you in some manner at sometime:
Oh yeah almost forgot...Years back I funded an item on their site. It was the kickoff of the "Screamin' Banshee" air horn. Got me one for a cheaper price by having faith in them backing their beeper.

I do wish you the very best Scott and would love to see Your project come into fruition.
It can happen! 8)

Anyone Else Onboard?

Re: Adjustable PCX150 Windshield

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 2:03 am
by PJDawgs
Many in my local scooter group ride Vespa and one guy just got a windshield that adjusts up and down but not tilt. I personally don't care for windshield due to I like the "wind therapy" plus wear full face helmet. While it would benefit in the cooler weather it just isn't something I personally want to put money into. I also have the stock very short not really windshield custom painted so not gonna lose that.
But if I was to consider based on windshields I have seen on other scooters at rallies etc I would think an adjustable would be great. I really like the way my friends works. I am not sure how it would do for a PCX but think idea to start working with for sure.