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Thermostat behavior

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 5:04 am
by beegmouse

So I have a question about my temperature gauge on the Forza 300

All the cars and bkes I have owned, you turn them on, the engine runs it gets to temperature and sits there, usually exactly halfway between hot and cold.

My forza doesn't do this. It goes from cold to about 25% and sits there most of the time, but coming off a motorway it then moves up to 50% but never any higher. and getting a bit of speed up again drops it back to 25%

I wonder if my engine is getting up to temperature, or if the thermostat is always open.

Given how rubbish my fuel economy is when the engine is cold, Could this be affecting my fuel economy?
I get about 70mpg on average, mostly motorway miles.

Anyway, if this is normal, I'd appreciate confirmation. If not, back to the dealership again.

Re: Thermostat behavior

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 7:13 am
by Forza 300
That sounds about right for the temp gauge readings your getting ,as you come off the highway the engine and engine oil don't have all that air blowing on everything cooling it down, so temperature will go up ,and if you come to a stop with no air flow the cooling fan will turn on ( eventually) if you want to check your thermostat ,start up the engine from cold then let it idle , put your hand on the radiator feel the temperature it should be cold ,let the bike run 2 minutes it still should be cool ,look at the gauge to see if it's starting to move up do this every minute until engine is in normal operating temperature as the engine warms up the rad should stay cool , as soon as the thermostat opens the rad should start to get hot and when it get to hot the cooling fan on the rad should turn on, as for fuel economy in cold weather the air is denser and increases wind resistance so you will use more fuel, ( you can slow down this will help) your pressure in your tires is lower in cold weather this will increase rolling resistance and decrease fuel economy, you can use nitrogen in your tires this will help, as temperature drops it takes longer to reach operating temperature so you use more fuel, ( colder air blowing heat away from a engine trying to warm up)also the programmed fuel injection system will increase fuel delivery durring a cold engine this is due to fuel not atomizing when engine is cold , your fuel economy of 70 mpg sounds not bad that's if measured in imperial gallons or uk gallons , fuel economy is very different from one person to the other as we all have different diving habits , all new motorcycles ( scooters ) are measured not in the real road conditions they test them on a simulated road with no wind resitance and no hills, and for there highway test no stops, you must check with manufacture but motorcycles are tested the same for fuel economy comparison , and your right if you thermostat is bad and opening all the time or early your fuel economy will go down as the fuel injecter sensors are reading a cold engine and increasing the fuel delivery.


Re: Thermostat behavior

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 12:17 pm
by txpcx13
I came across this post doing a search about the Forza and coolant temps/cooling issues. Yesterday I was keeping an eye on the temperature gauge as I have only had the Forza a little over a week, and this was my first time to drive mid-day and hitting some lights in traffic. My Forza also had the identical problem as the original post..... Temp about 25% while driving and hitting 50% when sitting at a light. I checked my coolant levels in the radiator and overflow tank this morning and both were A-OK. I was thinking of getting Water Wetter or another temp reducing additive(silicate free of course), but now I am thinking this might be a normal thing for the Forza.

Re: Thermostat behavior

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 12:39 pm
by davenowherejones
Not normal, mine warms up to 1/4 and stays there. On a really hot day it might go a little higher. Check to see if your fan comes on when it is really hot. There is a vent under the scooter where the air comes out.

Re: Thermostat behavior

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 1:03 pm
by txpcx13
I did not hear a fan kick on, but I was in traffic and wearing ear plugs. Is the fan located behind the radiator? I saw a vent under the radiator today but it looked like it was just for the air to flow through. I will have to do some more searching for this fan.

Re: Thermostat behavior

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 1:22 pm
by txpcx13
Yep, I just found this in the parts diagram; 19020-KVZ-631 FAN, COOLING. There is a pint size fan sitting back there. Now I just have to find out if it is working.
Wouldn't it be pushing air through and I can feel the air from the front? A fan sucking air seems less efficient but makes sense when the bike is in motion, but not needed sense there is airflow.
Either way I will check it out after I ride to work tomorrow and take out my earplugs, etc...

Re: Thermostat behavior

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 2:18 pm
by gn2
Much depends on ambient air temperature, there's a fair difference between Texas and Canada....

If the gauge is at 50% there's nothing to worry about.

Only time to be concerned is if it goes in the red.

Re: Thermostat behavior

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 2:36 pm
by you you
gn2 wrote:Much depends on ambient air temperature, there's a fair difference between Texas and Canada....

If the gauge is at 50% there's nothing to worry about.

Only time to be concerned is if it goes in the red.


Re: Thermostat behavior

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 3:56 pm
by davenowherejones
Even on my hottest days I suspect I am not at Texas hottest temperatures. We do get a few hot days and the Forza had no problems. We even get a few dry days. I wear my Olympia rain liner pants most of the year. My Forza has already seen snow but that was at 5200 feet.

Just finished my slice of apple pie, have my long underwear on and I am going out to get rat poison to keep the little buggers out of the house. A bear shit in my neighbours yard the other night. Winter is a coming.

Re: Thermostat behavior

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 9:14 pm
by MBMyer
davenowherejones wrote:Winter is a coming.
And just like that, we're in Westeros.

who had to poison quite a few rats not too many years ago