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Do you feel comfortable taking your PCX 150 on the freeway?

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 7:18 pm
by dkazzed
So with guys on a local bike forum attacking my CBR 125R as a machine that's completely unsuitable for the freeway. One is confident my underpowered machine will cause me to make a bad lane change without checking and get creamed by another car. So I wanted to ask PCX 150 members what they thought about their machines.

FYI, my CBR 125R has a top speed of 115km/h (72mph) on flat roads without tucking or anything, 85km/h up 8% grades, then it's pretty proportional in between. It's nice not being restricted by a rev limiter and having 10,800 RPM to manually play with, but my 13.2 HP engine does run out of steam so I do have to plan ahead.

Re: Do you feel comfortable taking your PCX 150 on the freew

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 8:15 pm
by Valiant
I hop on the freeway twice a day on my college commute, but I only felt comfortable doing that after switching out the variator and using lighter weights. The problem was that stock weights made acceleration too slow and it would literally take a full 10 seconds to get up to 50 mph, which meant I was holding up traffic for those full 10 seconds. No surprise I got honked at.

Re: Do you feel comfortable taking your PCX 150 on the freew

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 8:24 pm
by tbln930
Wind and the light weight are as big a deal as speed and acceleration IMO. Not quite the right tool for that particular job (high-speed highways) but still kind of works. Contrast that with I no longer think that heavy bikes like Harley Classics belong on our slow, scenic, curvy. and hilly roads. I won't ride with some of our locals that have too many close calls on the curves with the ravines. I don't want to be there when they go over. A PCX or CBR on the other hand is perfect.

Re: Do you feel comfortable taking your PCX 150 on the freew

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 9:42 pm
by Steph
Freeways by me have a speed limit of 70 mph. Average speed is 80 mph. On PCX, No way! When I get my CTX700ND then it will be doable.

Re: Do you feel comfortable taking your PCX 150 on the freew

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 9:47 pm
by dkazzed
Valiant wrote:I hop on the freeway twice a day on my college commute, but I only felt comfortable doing that after switching out the variator and using lighter weights. The problem was that stock weights made acceleration too slow and it would literally take a full 10 seconds to get up to 50 mph, which meant I was holding up traffic for those full 10 seconds. No surprise I got honked at.
I think my 0 to 50 acceleration time is about the same. 0 to 60 is 16-20 seconds. There's nothing i can do on the transmission side to improve that. Goes to show that these CVTs are pretty fantastic with smaller engines.
tbln930 wrote:Wind and the light weight are as big a deal as speed and acceleration IMO. Not quite the right tool for that particular job (high-speed highways) but still kind of works. Contrast that with I no longer think that heavy bikes like Harley Classics belong on our slow, scenic, curvy. and hilly roads. I won't ride with some of our locals that have too many close calls on the curves with the ravines. I don't want to be there when they go over. A PCX or CBR on the other hand is perfect.
Like this guy?

Steph wrote:Freeways by me have a speed limit of 70 mph. Average speed is 80 mph. On PCX, No way! When I get my CTX700ND then it will be doable.
Yea I found out really quickly that the HOV lane can easily travel at 20 above the 90km/h speed limit when it's wide open. And I made a mistake, I'm about 105-110km/h in regular riding position and 110-115km/h partial tuck.

If I went with a scooter again, it would be a Forza at minimum, unless Honda can put in a 200cc engine in the PCX which would be ideal. I still prefer the PCX's size.

Re: Do you feel comfortable taking your PCX 150 on the freew

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 9:55 pm
by dkazzed
Steph wrote:Freeways by me have a speed limit of 70 mph. Average speed is 80 mph. On PCX, No way! When I get my CTX700ND then it will be doable.
PS. I thought you got it already!

Re: Do you feel comfortable taking your PCX 150 on the freew

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 10:01 pm
by Steph
Did not take delivery yet. Still in the show room. I get out of work to late to get everything processed before the dealer closes. Most likely this weekend weather providing. I've ordered a luggage rack and have it insured already.

Re: Do you feel comfortable taking your PCX 150 on the freew

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 10:40 pm
by dkazzed
Oh the dealership experience. I don't want to go through that for a long time. Fingers crossed for the weather for you, and can't wait to see photos and videos of your sweet new ride.

I might have chosen a motorcycle instead but I certainly feel more at home here. :)

Re: Do you feel comfortable taking your PCX 150 on the freew

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 11:29 pm
by MikeP
The highest speed limit around my area is 120km/hr. Usually it is too congested to go above 100-110. I am quite comfortable to drive under these circumstance for long perionds of time. 2-3hrs I do not try to pass just sit tight in the "slow" lane and enjoy the ride.

Re: Do you feel comfortable taking your PCX 150 on the freew

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 3:32 am
by Fizzy Rascal
For short hops (a couple of junctions) it's OK (mine is a European 125) - but it's a very 'nervy' experience.

Re: Do you feel comfortable taking your PCX 150 on the freew

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 6:50 am
by danieljw
I live in the uk, I take my pcx 125 on 70mph roads all the time and will do it all day any day! Although the limit is 70mph heavy goods vehicles are restricted by law to 56mph you also get older people that will do slower speeds I have found it comfortable cruising behind a heavy goods vehicle obviously not getting to close and staying there and it's doable for miles and miles. On roads that have little cars but still 70mph I'll cruise in the left lane at 60moh and it will do that allllll day everyday with an issue obviously keeping in mind you have no power in reserve you always have the hard shoulder to pull into if I run into any issues and need to get off the carriageway fast!

Re: Do you feel comfortable taking your PCX 150 on the freew

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 7:00 am
by tbln930
You guys never did get those right and left lanes figured out. :P

Re: Do you feel comfortable taking your PCX 150 on the freew

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 12:46 pm
by wolf39us
My PCX tops at about 63 mph after it's had some time to get to that speed. I actually DO feel comfortable on the highways despite the 60mph speed limits (average driver 65-70mph).

I drove my PCX from Clearwater Beach, FL to Sarasota Beach, FL on I-275 and I-75 for a total of 93.5 mi one way (70 of which are highway). I just stayed in the right lane and maintained about 55-60mph behind some of the other slower drivers.

I am FAR more concerned with back roads and residential areas than I am with highways!

Re: Do you feel comfortable taking your PCX 150 on the freew

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 3:52 pm
by dkazzed
I had to pass a semi the other day when I pulled into the right lane. No problem.

I typically ride in the HOV lane though way to the left. No exits to deal with, just have to watch for cars who decide to suddenly pull into the HOV lane, but I'm way to the left plus I have at least 6 feet of shoulder as a safety buffer.

Two cars have wanted to pass me in the HOV lane in my last 8 commutes in total. Yesterday I was able to pull right to the general lane when it was safe to do so to let them pass. Then I got back in the HOV lane, tucked, and did about 110km/h the entire way, a few km down I looked back and there was absolutely no traffic behind me. The whole argument that my 125 is underpowered is completely nonsense. Underpowered for their egos maybe.

Re: Do you feel comfortable taking your PCX 150 on the freew

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 10:13 pm
by dkazzed
I had an app called Cyclemeter going. I never exceeded 105km/h or 65mph going to work this morning and 106km/h or 66 mph. It was fine both ways. So a PCX would've definitely been suitable in my case, especially with the ncy variator and lighter rollers.

Re: Do you feel comfortable taking your PCX 150 on the freew

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 5:49 am
by forza300
In Oz most trucks go 100-110 on a normal freeway, cars are usually slowest with dithering bastards sitting in any lane oblivious to what's happening around them.

I will happily cruise on the freeway/highway at 90 kph for short stints. Just respect that everything else is faster and don't even bother an overtake. That's my rule.

The only thing quite frankly that stops me taking the freeway mostly is the thought of ringing the PCX's poor neck for 50kms vs taking the 60-80 kph roads and enjoying the scenery.

Good topic, I like your question.

Re: Do you feel comfortable taking your PCX 150 on the freew

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 6:32 am
by dkazzed
I also prefer nice two lane roads, especially when there are curves and corners involved. But on my commute, I'll take the fastest route.

Re: Do you feel comfortable taking your PCX 150 on the freeway?

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2022 2:37 am
by Ayush
I never feel comfortable on the GBWhatsApp APKfreeways with fast moving vehicles. I make me nervous as i ride my scooter at 80 Km/h, never exceed this limit.
So, freeways are not for me. :oops:

Re: Do you feel comfortable taking your PCX 150 on the freeway?

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2022 11:18 pm
by HondaC110
If I want to ride on the freeway I take my Triumph T120.

Re: Do you feel comfortable taking your PCX 150 on the freeway?

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2022 8:13 am
by theschuman
Yes, but my 2022 PCX 150’s top speed is 65 - 69 mph (less than 111 kph) depending on the windscreen. Also, avoid steep hills on the freeway, or you’ll be down to 50 mph.