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pcx is now no more

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 2:58 am
by andyscooter
got taken out by a bmw saturday and got a seriuosly broken leg to show for it

may get a forza next im not sure

Re: pcx is now no more

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 5:42 am
by iceman
Sorry to hear the bad news - hope the leg gets better soon. What happened, what did the BMW driver do?

Re: pcx is now no more

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 6:35 am
by Indyglow
Sorry to hear that, how are you doing? Give us the details.

Re: pcx is now no more

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 9:02 am
by WhiteNoise
Sorry to read this :( I'm going to guess that the BMW crossed/turned in front of you. Watching the news this past holiday and several bikers were nailed by drivers making that left turn at that precise moment. BAM! Just horrible!
Andy when you're up to it (and if you want to), tell us what happened. Wishing you a pain free road to recovery. A Forza heh?

Re: pcx is now no more

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 9:59 am
by homey
andyscooter wrote:got taken out by a bmw saturday may get a forza next
Cast, comp, rehab, law suit and yet as you lay on the sofa sipping your tea you dream of a new scooter.
I must be crazy to be in a loony bin like this.

Re: pcx is now no more

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 10:26 am
by Valiant
andyscooter wrote:got taken out by a bmw saturday and got a seriuosly broken leg to show for it

may get a forza next im not sure
I assume that means the bmw either rear-ended or blindsided you(i.e. ran a red light)? Because unless insurance is paying me out and then some(and still covers me without doubling my rates), I wouldn't upgrade.

What kind of gear were you wearing? Because I might consider that as a higher priority for where to spend your money.

In any case, I feel your pain :D .

Re: pcx is now no more

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 11:39 am
by you you
Get a bmw I say...

Re: pcx is now no more

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 3:36 pm
by supermattyp
sorry about your bang-up. The bad news is you got popped on the roadway. The good news is you are in good enough spirits to get online and tell everyone.

I've not ridden a pcx but I own a forza and can say that they are perfectly sized for my needs (which appear to be higher demand than everyone else here). It does appear that there is more of an aftermarket for the pcx though. I guess it depends on your personal needs/wants. Do you need the extra power of the forza? Would the smaller size of the PCX be better for your rides? I've been really talking it over with the wife that if we end up moving to florida in the next few months that I'm going to buy her a pcx150 so she can cruise with me. Just too hilly and fast here for her.

Good luck with the recovery.

p.s. a good friend of mine lost his leg in a motorcycle accident a few years ago and had a prosthetic made. our local racing community chipped in and got him a custom built, one-off carbon fiber leg, you know....for weight reduction!

Re: pcx is now no more

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 4:15 pm
by Mel46
When I was riding my Burgman 400 there were several riders who were vets with prosthetic legs. They were riding triked Burgman 650s. Works quite well for them. Speaking of Florida, my wife and I have discussed moving there to the enth degree. There are a lot of reasons to move there, but a lot more for not moving hurricanes and crazy old old old drivers who can't see 10 feet in front of them, so Florida has "no-fault" insurance. That means everyone pays for bad drivers, and lawsuits are at a minimum. So, I guess that means you could actually get nailed by the same person multiple times, and your insurance will go up. Once upon a time we owned Volvos and I got broadsided while going to work by a Florida driver that was about 80 years old. He looked stoned. I saw him waiting to pull into traffic but didn't expect him to stomp on it when I got beside him. And he kept his foot on it, pressing the accelerator to the floor once his vehicle made contact, pushing my 4,000 pound car into the next lane where I also got rear ended. Then he kept going until his car broke through the mess and he turned into the traffic flow and kept going. Someone stopped him up the road till the cops arrive. In the end he had hit my car and the one that rear ended mine and shoved them apart so his car went between them. After the cops talked to him (they had to keep us away from him) the cop told us the driver got confused and thought he was stepping on the brake. Good luck if you move into that state!

Re: pcx is now no more

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 5:24 pm
by WhiteNoise
Supermattyp help us out, where is "too fast and hilly here?"
I loved riding in Florida, but it gets Hot! Took the MSF course in 100 degrees. Smokin' Hot and not a bit of shade to be had.

Re: pcx is now no more

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 6:21 pm
by homey
Mel46 wrote:the cop told us the driver got confused and thought he was stepping on the brake. Good luck if you move into that state!
They didn't name it Florida US route 90 for nothing, been there done that and it is demolition derby down there.

Re: pcx is now no more

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 7:24 pm
by supermattyp
WhiteNoise wrote:Supermattyp help us out, where is "too fast and hilly here?"
I loved riding in Florida, but it gets Hot! Took the MSF course in 100 degrees. Smokin' Hot and not a bit of shade to be had.
Here in the country on the Alabama/Mississippi state line. The speed limit is 60mph on the surface streets but that's only treated as a suggestion. I routinely do 70mph on the forza and get drivers flying up behind me because I'm "holding them up".

Its been high 90s every day the past few weeks with 70+% humidity and even on the rainy days it doesn't drop below 85.

Re: pcx is now no more

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 7:35 pm
by you you
Mel46 wrote:When I was riding my Burgman 400 there were several riders who were vets with prosthetic legs. They were riding triked Burgman 650s. Works quite well for them. Speaking of Florida, my wife and I have discussed moving there to the enth degree. There are a lot of reasons to move there, but a lot more for not moving hurricanes and crazy old old old drivers who can't see 10 feet in front of them, so Florida has "no-fault" insurance. That means everyone pays for bad drivers, and lawsuits are at a minimum. So, I guess that means you could actually get nailed by the same person multiple times, and your insurance will go up. Once upon a time we owned Volvos and I got broadsided while going to work by a Florida driver that was about 80 years old. He looked stoned. I saw him waiting to pull into traffic but didn't expect him to stomp on it when I got beside him. And he kept his foot on it, pressing the accelerator to the floor once his vehicle made contact, pushing my 4,000 pound car into the next lane where I also got rear ended. Then he kept going until his car broke through the mess and he turned into the traffic flow and kept going. Someone stopped him up the road till the cops arrive. In the end he had hit my car and the one that rear ended mine and shoved them apart so his car went between them. After the cops talked to him (they had to keep us away from him) the cop told us the driver got confused and thought he was stepping on the brake. Good luck if you move into that state!

That's probably not a typical day though. And he could be on another forum right now about the use of paragraphs

Re: pcx is now no more

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 2:40 am
by andyscooter
sorry havnt replied

short of it overtaking a line of traffic when bmw pulls out from the left just as i clear last vehicle who i think had stopped to let him out

unfortunatly this was a high vehicle and he couldnt see me or me him (dodgy manover on my part i know)

pcx got delivered home yesterday and there isnt a straight bit on it half the parts are now under the seat which isnt joined to the rest of the bike

Re: pcx is now no more

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 3:29 am
by Valiant
andyscooter wrote:sorry havnt replied

short of it overtaking a line of traffic when bmw pulls out from the left just as i clear last vehicle who i think had stopped to let him out

unfortunatly this was a high vehicle and he couldnt see me or me him (dodgy manover on my part i know)

pcx got delivered home yesterday and there isnt a straight bit on it half the parts are now under the seat which isnt joined to the rest of the bike
Ouch. I generally try to give tall vehicles a wide berth, because I know if I can't see what's on the other side of it, what's on the other side of it can't see me.

Still, might want to upgrade the gear as well. My response to breaking my leg? Got motocross boots. Plus you know, stick to flat roads :D .

Got a long road ahead of you. Been a month since my accident, and I can only put about 60-70% of my weight on my leg, not good enough to go without the crutches.

When you say "seriously broken", we talking both bones broken(tibia/fibia) or something more like your bone is pulverized?

Re: pcx is now no more

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 5:24 am
by sendler2112
andyscooter wrote:overtaking a line of traffic
Ride safe everybody.

Re: pcx is now no more

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 9:32 am
by GARETT0439
andyscooter wrote:sorry havnt replied

short of it overtaking a line of traffic when bmw pulls out from the left just as i clear last vehicle who i think had stopped to let him out

unfortunatly this was a high vehicle and he couldnt see me or me him (dodgy manover on my part i know)

pcx got delivered home yesterday and there isnt a straight bit on it half the parts are now under the seat which isnt joined to the rest of the bike
Where are you located?
I am interested in the engine/frame for an ultra aero project.
Message me!

Re: pcx is now no more

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 10:02 am
by WhiteNoise
Hey newbie! And...where is it that you live?
The member you're demanding a PM from is hurting. Show some compassion!
For starters say Hel-lo.
Please enter your location. The directions are just below this very post.

Re: pcx is now no more

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 10:21 am
by kramnala58
Sorry to hear of your misfortune. Glad to hear that you can keep your chin up and are thinking about your next ride already. Take care and heal well.

Re: pcx is now no more

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 10:22 am
by Steph
@Andyscooter. very sorry to hear about your accident. Hope you have a speedy recovery.