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My Gear last Saturday.....

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 3:10 am
by skuuter
Rode to Fall Creek Falls, Rock Island, and Bone Cave Wilderness Areas using some extremely twisty back roads for a 438 mile day. Here is my "Gear Attire" for the day.....


Where we went.....




You may not need Riding Gear, but in that split second that You do, it's great to have it..... 8)

Re: My Gear last Saturday.....

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 5:48 am
by Indyglow
Can't tell from the picture, but do your pants have knee armor? If they do, is it comfortable both riding and walking around?

Re: My Gear last Saturday.....

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 11:02 am
by Mel46
I am always, always afraid that something will happen that requires protective gear, because most of the time here it is too damn hot and humid to wear any . I have only had one accident in my entire time of riding and I needed my gear then. I ended up with a broken wrist and torn ligaments in my knee. I doubt that either of those could have been prevented, no matter how hard I tried to land properly . It could have been worse without padding. I was only going 25 mph then. We go faster than that on the main streets around here.

Re: My Gear last Saturday.....

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 1:02 pm
by WhiteNoise
Stunning photo's skuuter, the 1st shot is like a postcard. Lucky you to capture that up front and personal 8) I'm also in favor of protective gear. Is that an aerostitch one piece you have on?

Re: My Gear last Saturday.....

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 5:53 pm
by you you
Nearly 40 years of riding. Go out and ride to enjoy myself. Smothering myself in protective gearing for that special enjoyment and a photo opportunity never crosses my tiny mind

To each their own

Re: My Gear last Saturday.....

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 2:13 am
by skuuter
Thanks....2 pc Olympia Jacket and Pants, ICON Armored Boots, Hard Knuckle Olympia Rain Gloves (Full Race Gloves on 100% Dry Days)...I've owned 2 Olympia 1 pc Suits in the past...sold both to my Buddy Andrew (Gap Trash) that's a photographer at "The Dragon" this Spring and bought the New 2 pc. Yes, there is armor in the Pants also. No problem walking around in any of it. "Full Gear" can be adapted to over time. I was extremely hot and uncomfortable with it when I first started wearing it in 2005 after a "Lifetime" of T-shirts, Jeans, Denim Jackets or Vests. Having had "Tire Blowout/Broken Chain/etc. induced" High Sides/Low Sides at around 40 or so MPH in the past, and the "ER Wire Brush Scrub, Rash Heal Up for Months" Experiences in the first 70+MPH High Side with Full Gear due to a "Buick Driver" passing in my face resulted in no injuries (not even a scratch) except Gear replacement, convinced me. First of all, "Gear" is much cooler than the Temps experienced with skin against Hot Asphalt. It's Everyone's Personal Choice, but having survived Race Car, Kart, and Motorcycle Wrecks over the years at speeds sometimes as high as 180 MPH because of Safety Gear, I'm a firm believer in it, and today's Gear is waaaay more comfy with adjustable Vents, etc. than it used to be. My "sole backslide" is I went back to a 3/4 Coverage Helmet this year from Full Coverage and Modulars....I feel the extra visibility is a larger safety factor for me personally now at this late stage of the game. "Try It, You might Like It"..... ;) :D

Re: My Gear last Saturday.....

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 5:40 am
by gn2
skuuter wrote:I feel the extra visibility is a larger safety factor
This has to be balanced against the hazards which you do not see or see and misjudge.
Add in the fact that in motorcycle collisions the most frequent impact area is the front of the head.
Is a bit more breeze on the face enough to warrant taking a 100% reduction in protection from the biggest hazard?
Guess that one depends on the local climate, I can remember once while riding in Spain when the heat was so bad that I had to stop and take my jacket and (FF) helmet off because I was in danger of passing out.

I have worn both open and full face in the past.
My personal preference now is full face.
I do not think that an open helmet increases useful viewing angles at all.
Obviously this will depend on the rider (we're all different sizes and shapes after all) and the aperture of the helmet but with all the full face helmets I've ever owned my peripheral vision was unaffected.

You pays your money and you takes your chance.... ;)

Re: My Gear last Saturday.....

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 5:50 am
by you you
Ok, ok. I'm convinced. Now looking for Kevlar flipflops

Luminous green of course

Re: My Gear last Saturday.....

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 9:04 am
by skuuter
you you wrote:Ok, ok. I'm convinced. Now looking for Kevlar flipflops

Luminous green of course

....."good for You".... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: My Gear last Saturday.....

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 9:20 am
by skuuter
gn2 wrote:
skuuter wrote:I feel the extra visibility is a larger safety factor
This has to be balanced against the hazards which you do not see or see and misjudge.
Add in the fact that in motorcycle collisions the most frequent impact area is the front of the head.
Is a bit more breeze on the face enough to warrant taking a 100% reduction in protection from the biggest hazard?
Guess that one depends on the local climate, I can remember once while riding in Spain when the heat was so bad that I had to stop and take my jacket and (FF) helmet off because I was in danger of passing out.

I have worn both open and full face in the past.
My personal preference now is full face.
I do not think that an open helmet increases useful viewing angles at all.
Obviously this will depend on the rider (we're all different sizes and shapes after all) and the aperture of the helmet but with all the full face helmets I've ever owned my peripheral vision was unaffected.

You pays your money and you takes your chance.... ;)
Not "exactly" full peripheral vision gain, but a partial, as the chin bar causes me to lose "Lower Peripheral Vision" on Bikes I sit upright on like Scooters and Cruisers. I almost hit a Fawn one morning and two "almosts" with Racoons while in the dark (I generally leave at 4:00 AM)....saw Them as They were right on me as Their heads came into view in the edge of my Face Shield with Their bodies in the "Chin Bar Blindspot"...experimented with a 3/4 Open Face a couple of weeks and immediately noticed "Critters" well before They even made it to the road...also I can't look at the instrument panel (Speedometer, etc.) without moving my head downward...can glance with a 3/4....the extra vision coupled with my experience just "makes me feel better"..... ;) :D ...I'm not gonna' argue the Full Coverage Helmet being safer, and might have that "split second wish I had a Full Coverage on right now" moment down the road...why I wore em' for years..."but"..... ;) :D 8)

Re: My Gear last Saturday.....

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 7:17 pm
by kramnala58
you you wrote:Ok, ok. I'm convinced. Now looking for Kevlar flipflops

Luminous green of course
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: My Gear last Saturday.....

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 10:25 am
by WhiteNoise
Ah yes Olympia gear, I've heard it's excellent! I've worn their gloves, no lining, perforated, but they bled in 101 degree temp ....Hel-lo, what was I thinking? :lol: I really like the Rev'it line, especially on sale days. I've got two of their jackets, pants, gloves, even wicking socks. Also other "Makes & models" ....but I Can't wear all the gear all the time :P shucks! Beware of GearGeek! :geek: = Me

Re: My Gear last Saturday.....

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 4:06 pm
by Taz
I'm with skuuter on the 3/4 helmet. I love mine in summer especially riding with the visor up and sunglasses on. I'm much more aware of peripeheral vision and sound than any full face. But we are in our coldest wettest month here right now so its full face and rainex for me. Oh and its windy too.

Re: My Gear last Saturday.....

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 2:53 am
by skuuter
Taz wrote:I'm with skuuter on the 3/4 helmet. I love mine in summer especially riding with the visor up and sunglasses on. I'm much more aware of peripeheral vision and sound than any full face. But we are in our coldest wettest month here right now so its full face and rainex for me. Oh and its windy too.
Yep, I have a Full Coverage for "Full Blown Winter" here too when it's 8 degrees F to about 28 degrees F......30s and above, I have no issues with the 3/4..... ;)