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Found myself in Kroger line today with a bunch of old people

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2020 12:58 pm
by fish
Joined the queue, in the rain and dark, at 6:30 AM today with a bunch of veteran Americans.
What gives? - looks like my high school reunion!
I was after some groceries & TP for my 90 yr old in-laws.

The old guy in line behind me told me it was "senior time" (7:00 to 8:00 AM) - a special shopping time limited to those over 60. Apparently it was in all the news.
Well, I just squeaked in by a decade or so....
Clever idea!
Really didn't understand why the county sent out Sheriff deputies to each store.
If we had stated to brawl, it wouldn't have lasted long.
The local Kroger stores are doing an amazing job of keeping things civilized.

Saw this guy in Clearwater FL.
A little house, a scooter, pink hat, Florida - what else do you need?!


Re: Found myself in Kroger line today with a bunch of old pe

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2020 2:51 pm
by Mel46
Well, if your area is like ours, there isn't any TP to be found. Lucky for us, we purchased quite a bit prior to the run on it. We knew there would be some older neighbors who wouldn't be able to fight the crowds, so we stocked up for them. Now we keep up with various older neighbors, checking on them daily. I

'm not sure who is the oldest in this neighborhood, but I think that I am. Still, someone has to help those who can't help themselves. There are some in our neighborhood who only drive their vehicles to go to the doctor or to buy groceries, and some of those should NOT be driving. As an example, one of them had a stroke some years ago, plus she doesn't know enough to adjust her seat up, so she can't see over the dash. I have no idea how she can drive at all, but she does...sort of.

In any case, please be mindful of those who could use some help during these times. If you are going to the store, ask them if they need anything since you are going there anyway.