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Re: 2019 Yamaha XMax 300 . . . the Last in a Long Line for M

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2019 10:41 am
by Old Grinner
In scouring the web, this seems to be the best collection of things to buy for the Xmax. Two things you want to look at right away -even if you don't like mods-is this is the auxiliary seat spring and the inner fender. The Xmax throws up a lot of crap in the rain ,the inner fender w/ simple mount stops that. And the seat spring is notoriously weak, this spring it will pop open and stay open as soon as you hit the button ... 300?page=1
Just took a quick look and bookmarked the page . . .. 8)

I noticed the seat raises "adequately" with minimal effort. You can hear the subtle "release" when you hit the button. It doesn't really look like it's open but it is. There's plenty of access to store helmets and gear . . . it's a huge compartment. As mentioned before I noticed the slots for the "divider" accessory. That said I think I still have some fairly rigid, but thin, black plastic leftover from an old loose leaf binder or something that I'm hoping will be just long enough to fit in there. I can craft it to the appropriate height etc. . .. It's buried somewhere but I'm quite sure I'll find it. :D

About the lack on an adequate inner fender for the rear tire - I wonder what the engineers were thinking. Was it a cost reduction thing? Was it to allow air flow for cooling purposes? Was it to allow easier access to the engine? Whatever the case my Zuma has better protection from rear wheel road rubbish sling than the XMax does. I don't really plan to ride it when it's inclement because I can rely on my Zuma 125 for the around town errands despite the weather . . . within reason. . .or take the cage. However, I may put my "back yard mechanic" portion of the brain into action to see if there is some reasonable and safe solution to the problem. . .if it becomes a problem for me. Or, I can order the accessory. :geek:

This morning I checked the extended weather forecast and the first week of March does not look good. February is not over yet . . .. I'm glad I had it delivered sooner rather than later. :roll:

Re: 2019 Yamaha XMax 300 . . . the Last in a Long Line for M

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2019 11:07 am
by Jge64
The lack of an inner fender just makes everything back there messier. Particularly the back of the engine that although there is a barrier, because it's misty it gets everywhere. It's simple to just buy the accessory, solves the problem, it should be standard with the bike.


And re the spring, it works OK now, but the longer you go, the more you realize that the spring isn't heavy enough to fire it open… It's a cheap easy 20 min mod. Install directions on the taiwan site.

Re: 2019 Yamaha XMax 300 . . . the Last in a Long Line for M

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2019 12:43 pm
by Old Grinner
it should be standard with the bike.
I agree . . . maybe on a future model it will be featured as a "What's New".

Fortunately the folks in the Zuma 125 department got it right. ;)

Re: 2019 Yamaha XMax 300 . . . the Last in a Long Line for M

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2019 9:45 pm
by Old Grinner
My '18 does 24 hour format only, pretty sure it's that way for you too, you'll read that the manual.
Yup. . . I checked today . . . mine is 24 hours also.

The ritual will just take a minute from what I can tell . . .. :geek:

It will be interesting to see how bright the LED headlights are when I get to take my first ride at night with it.

Re: 2019 Yamaha XMax 300 . . . the Last in a Long Line for M

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2019 3:52 pm
by big bear
mine wouldent start in the garage again but i found the solution i aimed an electric heater at the engine went inside for 20 minutes came back and it fired right up

Re: 2019 Yamaha XMax 300 . . . the Last in a Long Line for M

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2019 6:23 pm
by Old Grinner
mine wouldent start in the garage again but i found the solution i aimed an electric heater at the engine went inside for 20 minutes came back and it fired right up
Good to know. . ..

I haven't started mine up since I got it a couple of weeks ago.

Too cold, too wet, or too snowy. I am reluctant to get salt and sand on the new one.

That said I've only been on the Zuma just a handful of days also. :roll:

Re: 2019 Yamaha XMax 300 . . . the Last in a Long Line for M

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2019 3:41 pm
by Old Grinner
I was able to get the new XMax out today for about 20 miles. Being only the second time I've been able to ride it I still have less than 30 miles on it. :D

What a joy it is to ride that thing. Not trying to sound pompous or anything but it's got to be the most comfortable two wheeler I've ever had. :D

I'm breaking it in with surges of throttle and keeping the speed down. It will pop to 45MPH with ease.

The rear brake does take some effort due to the ABS but combining with the front brake things are fine. If I use just the rear brake it definitely requires a good squeeze. That said I'm going give it a look over to make sure there's no air in the line. It makes me wonder if the Forza brakes are like that also . . .. Like I said the rear brake does deliver but needs a bit more coaxing than I expected. :|

Oh . . . and it's been really cold here lately but today it started right up with no hesitation. Can't wait to put some serious miles on it soon. There's still snow melt here and there but just tried to stay on the dryer roads today.

Took out my Suzuki Bandit GSF1200S also . . .. Needed to give that some miles too. 8)

Re: 2019 Yamaha XMax 300 . . . the Last in a Long Line for M

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2019 4:23 pm
by you you
ABS doesn’t affect braking pressure. It could because it is a new/different bike.

Glad you are enjoying it. Slightly envious :D

Re: 2019 Yamaha XMax 300 . . . the Last in a Long Line for M

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2019 6:31 pm
by Old Grinner
ABS doesn’t affect braking pressure. It could because it is a new/different bike.

Glad you are enjoying it. Slightly envious :D

About the rear brake, yeah . . . that's what I'm thinking. The brakes have to wear in.

The front is fine. And yet I've read reviews that claim it's the front brake that needed more effort at the lever. Bennetts I think . . ..

I'm going to work through the "newness" and see how it goes. Fingers crossed it will improve. If the performance goes in the wrong direction I'll give the dealer a call and have it checked out.

It's possible I'm "over squeezing" and should just let the system do the work. It's my first experience with ABS on a two wheeler. I'd describe the experience at the lever as "wooden". Definitely not spongy.

I'll post an update in about a month when I can get some more miles on it. Weather is still not ideal . . .. :roll:

Re: 2019 Yamaha XMax 300 . . . the Last in a Long Line for M

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2019 7:57 pm
by gn2
ABS does not affect braking feel unless it activates.
It only activates if a wheel locks.

Re: 2019 Yamaha XMax 300 . . . the Last in a Long Line for M

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2019 2:55 pm
by Old Grinner
The rear caliper looks OK. The pads appear to be lined up and everything is brandy new clean . . . as it should be.

I wanted to make sure the caliper was installed properly and lined up with the rotor so I stuffed my camera in the narrow space as best I could to get a decent shot.

I'll just put more miles on it and let the pads wear in and see if there is a noticeable improvement in the rear braking. :geek:

Re: 2019 Yamaha XMax 300 . . . the Last in a Long Line for M

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2019 4:07 pm
by Oldie
It's been widely reported that the brakes are great but they do need a few miles to bed in.

Relax 8)

ps. Great photos :geek:

Re: 2019 Yamaha XMax 300 . . . the Last in a Long Line for M

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2019 4:01 pm
by Old Grinner
Up to 75 miles now. Had sun today but quite windy again. It's gotta be global warming. :roll:

Anyhow, it was about a 40 mile ride. Quite pleased so far. No complaints.

Although the seat is a bit high it is really comfortable.

The ABS system came into play today. Had to lean on them a bit hard for a last second yellow to red light and they did stop nicely.

I adjusted the rear shocks one notch for more pre-load.

Also put two SyMax Modular Helmets (in their helmet bags) under the seat with no problem. It closed with no hint of resistance or bottoming out on the helmets.

Between the adjusted spring pre-load and the bit of additional weight from the helmets I noticed there was less "floating" in the ride characteristics.

Still using power wisely. This thing will get up and go like a dog off a leash after a fox. Have to use self control while the engine is still breaking in.

I've come up with a term I like to refer to as "Yama Think". Having the Smart Key and push button selector involves remembering some things when needing to make settings etc. . .. Even just locking the steering involves a bit of finesse but once you get the hang of it the thing is a cinch.

The scooter battery seems to be charging OK. That said, I will be replacing the Smart Key battery about every 1 1/2 years as they are said to have a 2 year life expectancy. One does not want to have that fob battery go dead. If it does there is a special sequence and process involved to get the scooter started without it. TBH I consider it a PITA. I advise anyone who buys an XMax to read the owner's manual well and know what you could be in for and know what to do to get yourself out of a jamb.

Although it was again windy and gusty the weather protection from the windscreen and leg shield was great. No buffeting on my helmet either. . .at least not at speeds up to 50 MPH. I tried to keep in between 35 MPH and 45 MPH most of the time. The scoot held it's own with blasts of wind from the side but you still need to use your skill sets in such conditions.

So far so good. 8)

Re: 2019 Yamaha XMax 300 . . . the Last in a Long Line for M

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2019 5:24 pm
by Jge64
I've taped a fob battery with duct tape to the underside of the seat, completely sealed under the tape, that eliminates that worry. It a CR2032, much like a ton of other fobs out there.

Re: 2019 Yamaha XMax 300 . . . the Last in a Long Line for M

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2019 6:45 pm
by big bear
can you get the fob battery at a battery store or do you have to go to a yamaha dealership

Re: 2019 Yamaha XMax 300 . . . the Last in a Long Line for M

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2019 7:13 pm
by GeorgeSK
If it is a C2032, you can get one anywhere - hardware store, battery store, Amazon, ... the list is endless.

Re: 2019 Yamaha XMax 300 . . . the Last in a Long Line for M

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2019 7:33 am
by Old Grinner
I've taped a fob battery with duct tape to the underside of the seat, completely sealed under the tape, that eliminates that worry. It a CR2032, much like a ton of other fobs out there.
Brilliant! :D

Next time I go to Ace or some place that sells them I'll pick one up (or pack if that's what's in stock).

Also, I'll make sure that the blade of the screw driver in the tool kit will fit the narrow slot on the side of the fob. If not, I'll stow something that will and a little piece of cloth to avoid damaging the plastic as described in the owners manual.

Re: 2019 Yamaha XMax 300 . . . the Last in a Long Line for M

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2019 9:27 am
by Oldie
The new Forza also takes the CR2032

Re: 2019 Yamaha XMax 300 . . . the Last in a Long Line for M

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2019 3:05 pm
by Old Grinner
After I topped off my fuel tank today I decided to check the fit of the tool kit slotted head screw driver against the fob and found it to be a bit small. I think it would chew up the plastic if there was any futzing with it. I tried fitting an American 5 cent and 25 cent piece and discovered that they may just work. . .the quarter being the better option I think. :geek:

I'm going to add a multi-tool to the tool kit just to have on hand. As it is you only get a couple of Allen wrenches, the double ended screwdriver for Phillips or Slotted Head screws, and the Spanner for the shock adjustments. ;)

FWIW I'm getting about 74 MPG so far and it says' I'm only averaging 25 MPH which is hard to believe but who am I to argue with a computer. :lol:

Re: 2019 Yamaha XMax 300 . . . the Last in a Long Line for M

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2019 7:39 pm
by Jge64
My god, you are overthinking again, worried about something that wont happen for 18 months?

I popped it open with my hands...worry about something else.....