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Re: Security

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2018 2:19 pm
by Mister Paul
fish wrote:Vehicle security....

I worked once at a psych hospital as a veteran co-therapist - was walking with a Vietnam veteran down to breakfast one morning, and he glanced out the front door to see that his souped-up Nova was still unmolested by the neighborhood thugs. He'd lost two batteries so far.

"Figured it was OK, 'cause nothing woke me last night." He said.

We were finishing our coffee in the dining room and I asked him about his comment, "Put an alarm on it, did you?"

"Sort of. Wired a grenade under the hood."

Well, I finished my coffee and stubbed out my cigarette dam quick and said, "let's swing by the nurses station and sign you out for a little morning walk."

He wasn't kidding.

He was a recipient of a Silver Star, but that kind of stuff won't fly back here in the World.

Good memories...

There's a bloke over here in the UK, an eccentric, who wired a shotgun up in his shed facing the door, the idea been that it would deal with any intruders. He forgot about it, and blew his knees out.