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Re: Keeping pcx stabilized/balanced at high speeds

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 11:04 pm
by Valiant
iceman wrote:One person at work didn't use the bike that day as they found riding a 125 motorbike in 40mph winds in heavy traffic a bit too much for them.
Is that because the engine wasn't powerful enough, or because the bike was too light?

The PCX is roughly the same weight as a lot of 250cc bikes, so I'd imagine it would be more stable than something like a Vespa 150. Though power would definitely be lacking with a 40 mph headwind.

Re: Keeping pcx stabilized/balanced at high speeds

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 7:33 am
by fish
Staying off of a small scooter like the pcx in a 40 mph wind very sensible. These aren't highway cruisers.....just because some will ride their scooters at ten-tenths of its ability does not mean it was designed for that any more than tossing a brick on the accelerator of your Ford and heading off to work is what the manufacturer had in mind.

Re: Keeping pcx stabilized/balanced at high speeds

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 4:45 pm
by dkazzed
I find that riding my 50cc over a bridge in even just 40km/h winds can cause the bike to be thrown off a bit, but the brain is excellent at making calculations every millisecond to make adjustments required to counter these winds. The best position to deal with cross winds is completely upright, arms light on the bars.

40mph crosswinds will be an issue with a lot of mass produced cars.