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Re: Making the rear brake pads last???

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2021 6:58 pm
by davenowherejones
I am doing an experiment on my 2014 Forza 300.

I have the FOBO tire pressure monitor tire stem valve caps. They send the tire pressure via Bluetooth to my iPhone. They also send the tire air temperature.

I have removed the muffler trim cover, the muffler tip cover and the plastic exhaust pipe cover by the pipe/muffler joint.

The idea is to see if increased airflow allows the rear tire to run cooler.

It was cold today 6C. The front tire after riding a while was 4C when I put the scooter away. The rear tire was 12C.

The rear was substantially colder than before. I measured it one day at front 16, rear 31 before the cover removal. That was a warmer day.

The front is usually close to air temperature.

I need to try this again on a warmer day.

Re: Making the rear brake pads last???

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 12:52 pm
by davenowherejones
I don't think removing the muffler cosmetics helps but I will experiment further.

When my rear wheel jammed up because of severely worn brake pads I put a mostly worn out set back in just to get moving.

I ordered new rear pads off of eBay. They arrived from China the other day. Two weeks to get here. One week to get out of China and one week to go the last 160 km in Canada.

They are AHL AO-70 pads from TongTong Trade Co. LTD. No idea what the pad material is. They look the same as every other pad.

$9.69 USA delivered to my mail box in Canada all the way from CHINA!

I will install them when I get my Chinese Shinko rear tire.

I recently spent a week in the hospital. They had an armed RCMP officer there to make sure I did not run away. COVID is making the world stupid. They did not fix any of my problems so they sent me home.

My roommate was a dangerous Schizophrenic. It was scary sleeping in the same dark room with him. Security and the police hauled him away a few times. He looked so loveable but he would probably kill you and eat your brains.

They sent me home with a cream to spread all over my penis.

Re: Making the rear brake pads last???

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 2:04 pm
by davenowherejones
It was warm yesterday and I was in pain from working. I decided to go for a short ride. It was warm so I decided to go even further.

I still had the muffler cover off. I checked the temperatures at a few stop. No improvement.

I went to Ashcroft and had a late lunch. The tire temperature went up to 43C. Way too high.

There was oil splattered around the right rear shock. Not good. I rode the 193 km home.

I bought some replacement bolts to hold on the muffler cover. A few had sheared off.

I am still in pain but I better try to mow a few lawns even though I want to go test the tire temperatures.

Re: Making the rear brake pads last???

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2022 8:42 am
by Marko
I have 2021 350. I've done 1400Km ( 8750 miles) in a very hilly area of Portugal where I ride it hard in all weather. I've just checked the rear pads and they are fine, about half worn. I expect that they will do at least the same again.
I don't know how some people are wearing out a set of rear pads in 4000 miles.